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Roxy Lady

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Posts posted by Roxy Lady

  1. This is really hard to explain but i'm not sure if my dog is actually listening or taking notice of my instructions.

    I've just put her in a basic obedience class, and shes pretty well behaved and does what shes supposed to, but its seems to me like shes just sort of copying the other dogs and not really 'listening' to me. She doesn't look at me at all.

    Last week we did sit (stack), stay, drop lead, walk out and then call dog in, which she did, but when i tell her to stay she seems to take no notice of what i say, i'm just lucky she stands there. Thats what it feels like anyway.

    Should i be making her look at me when i give her instructions? Shes doing what shes supposed to but it doesn't feel like shes doing what shes told to. :thumbsup::rainbowbridge:

  2. Sas, i've actually stopped treat rewarding for awhile now and have been doing the same as you, which is working quite well. I just would prefer to maybe use a treat or smell on my hands than a toy in the ring to get her attention when she starts to get bored. A clicker would be ok i think but am not really familiar with using them, it would get her attention though. I spose at least then shes not going to be continually searching for food. :(

  3. Full of crap :(

    Ask him how would we train out dogs for obedience competitions if they could only understand 5 commands :)

    Or how do the scent dogs work, and other sporting, working dogs obey on only 5 commands etc

    There are 6 commands in the novice obedience ring alone, then from open up you start to add retrieves, scent discrimination, seek back, send to the box, directed jump, food refusal/speak on command....have I missed anything? Plenty of UD and UDX dogs around who need to know more than 6 commands...then some of these dogs also compete in other sports. Then there are informal commands...outside, in the car, etc.

    I said all that to him plus about guide dogs and special needs companion dogs. He still tried to tell me that they can learn other thing but are not 100%, he reckoned only 5 commands are actually mastered meaning obeyed and completed 100%. Don't worry hes a bit of a know-all-know-nuthin ;)

  4. Try to keep your hand movements as limited as possible. Our movements stimulate.

    BTW, the pups that chase anything, loose clothing on my person, my moving body, are the ones I note, positively.

    Thanks for the ideas lab lover and PAX :rofl: .

    I'm unsure what you mean by 'positively'?? Quick learners because of drive... :rofl:

    Shes doing well with her stacking, even the vet commented on how well she stood on his bench today...I was so proud :rofl: , i told him we'd been practising :)

  5. A mate tried to tell me the other day that a dog can only 'master' 5 commands. He can still learn other stuff but won't be 100% on those other commands.... :)

    Apparently he has an uncle who is a dog trainer and he took his rotti for a 6month obedience/guard dog training course (not thru his uncle) and says that they told him that. I reckon hes full of it ;) Am i wrong or is he??

  6. Roxy (my bully pup) is roughly nearly 4 months (born 14th June).

    Anyway she is (IMO :laugh: ) stacking well, but she is a bad biter and grabber!! When walking on lead shes not too bad, but once stopped if not stacked or shes getting bored with the stack she will try and bite your feet or trousers.

    When in stack shes fine until your hand goes too close then she will grab and bite down hard!! I'm sure shes still teething, and i've just been saying a firm NO and pointing at her, she'll look at me for a minute then try and do it again. What else can i do to stop her from trying to grab anythat goes near her? And will she grow out of the ankle biting thing, it friggin hurts!! Nasty lil bitch :rofl: !

    I don't want to smack her coz i don't want her scared by thinking a hand near her is going to smack her, more treats maybe?? The thing is though with the treats she tends to put her head down to eat them or bits drop and she looks for them.

    I stand to the side of her with my hand in front of her face to attract her attention and my thumb is copping a hammering!! I know shes still young, i'm just not sure what else to do, do i ignore it and hope she'll grow out of it or keep doing what i'm doing??

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! :birthday:

    ETA Might be better off moved to training section.

  7. :vomit: Oh, i didn't realise that was a martingale collar!! I saw one on a website and they had the lead shown but it was curled up so i couldn't really see, i thought there looked like 3 loops, 1 for your hand, 1 for around the dogs nose and 1 for around the neck, i thought it would work similar to a horses martingale by not allowing them to get their head up and go :rofl:

    I've actually used them before :vomit: .

    Thanks Sway :rofl: !

  8. Thats kinda why i thought he'd be doing it too. He said it was the biggest pup in the litter, and he keeps doing it to the staffy and the staffy had already bit the pup very close to its eye, so hes a bit worried that its gonna happen again and is keeping them separate, also he said his staffy is a bit jealous. Darn cute little humper but!!! :cry:

  9. Hi

    A friend of mine has bought a bully pup, anyway he brang it in to show me and the bloody little thing wouldn't stop humping my leg!!! He said that it tries to hump his other dog (a female staffy not sure of age around 1 or 2 i think) Why would he be doing this?? I thought maybe he was trying to be topdog?? But at 8 weeks old!?! It was funny though, bringing this tiny little humping puppy into a sex shop, there was nothing here to help him out though!! :cry:

  10. Hey Abs,

    Ned snores really loud, he can be on the front porch and you can be sitting on the lounge in the loungerrom and you can hear him over the tv sometimes!! :laugh: He dreams to he growls alot and one time i was watching him growling and twitching and carring on and next thing hes actually got up and barked like something had startled him and that woke him up, but the look on his face was priceless, it was kinda like "huh, what, what am i awake for?" :rofl:

  11. This is very interesting, i had an Amstaff that couldn't swim, i onlt found out after he fell into a deep part of the river and kept going under, i had to jump in and save him!!! My bitch Marley will not swim i think she can she just doesn't like it she prefers the hose whereas Ned loves the river and would happily swim all day if you let him, but he hates the hose... hmm dogs are are funny little individuals..... :D

  12. :thumbsup: Hesapandabear, that was the sweetest thing, now i can't type coz you've made me cry. That is the best most happy and sad mental picture i've had in a long time. I'm very sorry for your loss and my sympathies to Mos family. Thanks so much for that now i can imagine thats where Carnage is, hope Mo looks after him. I'm still crying hesapandabear that was so sweet. :( Thank you.

    RIP Mo

    RIP Carnage

  13. ;) RIP Erny.

    Sounds like Erny had a pretty good life thanks to you. Good mates are hard to find and hard to keep, just think you have had a really good mate for the last 30 years, mates don't usually last that long. We have a 22 year old sheep we raised as a potty lamb and shes still kickin about following mum around and keeping the "killers" in line, the backyard wouldn't look the same without her. Whenever you think of Erny remember that hes in Gods hands now and probably eating the clothes off HIS line!!

  14. RIP Carnage

    Last week one of the guys who bought one of my male pups came into the shop, as soon as i seen him i thought he had brought him in for a visit, and i asked "Wheres me boy?" and he just replied that he died last night. I just burst into tears and the guys apologised 100 times he didn't know what happened he had left Carnage with house mates while he went to the pub and when he came back his housemates were freaking out and said "that they let him out for a wee he came back in and went to sleep on the lounge but wouldn't wake up. So we're not exactly sure what happened but think it may have been a snake bite. I was sooo upset i cried for about 3 hours at work (lucky it was a quiet morning) and then on my drive home i started again and then again when i pulled into my driveway when i realised i would have to look at Ned and Marley.

    Bye you sweet adorable fat boy :D :)

  15. :rofl: Yeah Neds a big girl too, hes 4-5 and he squats to pee, i think its pretty funny,. Just because they don't cock their leg it doesn't mean he won't stop to pee on everything, Ned got into my house and squatted twice in my kitchen!!! i was lucky though it wasn't sprayed up the walls :laugh:
  16. :rofl: Well what does it mean when they come up after you've got all the washing off the line and in the basket and he comes and cocks his leg all over freshly cleaned clothes???? :laugh: You didn't do a good enough job and he wants you to do it again coz hes the boss???? :rofl:
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