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Maybe you're so good- that they expect a lot from you- not realising that you are a little inexperienced? You sound like you are doing awesome stuff- and maybe you're fanatastic at it and they keep rasing the bar?

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Maybe you're so good- that they expect a lot from you- not realising that you are a little inexperienced? You sound like you are doing awesome stuff- and maybe you're fanatastic at it and they keep rasing the bar?

Not sure about that, I love it and am really in to it and have spoken with the head trainer about trialling so perhaps I've set myself up for it.

I'm lucky that I have two fantastic dogs who can make me look good - maybe I'm lazy as a result? not sure. Whatever the case I'm getting a real buzz from watching a new light bulb click on in each of their head's every couple of weeks.

Another great night last night - not a noise from the boy in the car - not sure where that came from, but we'll take it and run.

Also Xena is going really well in the flyball class - doing the full run every time w/o the ball. Next week we add the ball which should only increase how much fun she is having - she is TOTALLY ball obsessed and at present is about 50% quicker back to me than she is to the box. Once the ball is added we are hoping she rockets to the box as well - that's how it works with a retrieval without the box any way! I can't believe how excited she gets when we get to flyball. She got out of the car last night and ran to the jumps, then back to me looking for/at the tuggie, then onto the box and back again. When we finally did get started it was like she had found her heaven.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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I havent really had any bad training experiences.. The instructors at my class are usually really nice :( There have been times when I've been upset with my own performance.. But I guess that happens :scold:

One bad experience was on my first day at the club.. I was so nervous, and I didn't know anyone and I'd just moved to the area.. My boy was wearing a harness and a flat collar - the harness because we were just standing around waiting for our class and its what he wears when we're walking, and a flat collar because at the time I was against the check chain..

This woman comes up to me, I think she may be on the committee of my club or something.. Anyway she comes up and tells me that my dog isn't allowed to wear his harness to class, they train using a collar and leash.. Okayyy thats fine I wasn't going to use it anyway.. But then she tells me off for him wearing a flat collar because 'Spiked collars are illegal and I shouldn't have it on him!' :provoke: What the?? First off, flat collars are allowed at my club and secondly it didn't have spikes on it, it has these little blunt, short, studs on it...

It certainly was a bad start to my training.. I'm glad I stayed though, even though I was shit scared! :whip: I really enjoy it now!

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