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Rough Training Guide Please


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:rolleyes: I have adopted a rescue pound puppy that was previously abused and badley neglected. With only the best of intentions I welcomed her into my family. But I think I have gotten carried away trying to help the puppy and I am starting to just confuse her by trying to teach her too much to soon. I have very little experience in training a dog. I have had one dog since leaving home and she recently passed away from a snake (we had her for 8 years).

I have know had the puppy for approx 3 weeks, when we first got her, she was terrified of people and would cringe and wet herself (she now trusts my family). When presented with a leash/walking past her with object in hand/presents of another dog, she will also cringe and wet herself. We can now walk past her with objects in our hands, plus I can put her onto leash and take up to 5 steps with her plus I have managed to get her to play with a mini foxy. She is still afraid of strangers, loud noises and strange dogs. Orginally she didn't know what grass was, afraid to walk on it now she will walk on grass, but not when it has dew on it.

I have starting to teach her sit - does wonderfully if she smells food - without food she will test limits

Drop- only with food, and with the food guiding her down

Come-she does about 50% of the time (100% when she knows food is on offer) but my husband uses "here" so I am

thinking maybe I should change what I am saying so she doesn't get confused.

Jumping- trying to get her to stop this - young children aged 2 and 4

Mouthing- trying to get her to stop, I say no and give her no attention (like bitting but no pressure)

Premission to eat - put her into sit - say okay then let her go to eat.

I have asked many questions regarding training my puppy, sorry . But I live in a rural location and need to train her myself. So I need all the help I can get, as my husband trained our last dog and he often works away. Unfortuntely I can't take her to obiedence classes, so I am really on the help from you guys out there. So Please be patiene with me. Currently I am training her twice a day, for approx 10 minutes at a time. We play both tug of war with her and throw a ball for her to reteive. What other games can i play with her (yes I don't know how to play with a puppy). Please be assured that any time you give me advice, I take it one board and give it ago. But I am having trouble putting it all together and working out what order I should be doing things in, and when to expect what.

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Will you be taking her to puppy school? That's really the best way to start off and if you choose a good one held by a reputable trainer then you have their advice on tap for 3-5 weeks depending on the course.

You really need to re-consider training school as well - perhaps your husband could do this? Another option is private lessons, there are plenty of us out there willing to come out to homes.

If your pup is a fearful one then you need to be taking her somewhere and slowly desensitising her to everything that causes a fear response in a careful and positive way so you may need help with this. Please think about it carefully as you would hate to get to into adulthood and regret the fact that you may have been able to spare 8-12 weeks to put her through puppy school and basic obedience.

Let us know your general area and we can advise from there. Also training with food is not about bribery, it's about rewarding her for her good work and for her to learn that all the good things in life come from you, she can learn this. :rolleyes:


Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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By the sounds of it you are doing fine.....she is slowly getting use to her environment and other people and animals in it plus you are teaching her a few manners (sitting before feeding her) and general exercises in obedience. You didn't say how old this pup is(?).......but if you take it slow and be consistant in what you want from her and her training , you will find she will improve over time.

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By the sounds of it you are doing fine.....she is slowly getting use to her environment and other people and animals in it plus you are teaching her a few manners (sitting before feeding her) and general exercises in obedience. You didn't say how old this pup is(?).......but if you take it slow and be consistant in what you want from her and her training , you will find she will improve over time.

She is 4 months old - educated guess by my vet

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Will you be taking her to puppy school? That's really the best way to start off and if you choose a good one held by a reputable trainer then you have their advice on tap for 3-5 weeks depending on the course.

You really need to re-consider training school as well - perhaps your husband could do this? Another option is private lessons, there are plenty of us out there willing to come out to homes.

If your pup is a fearful one then you need to be taking her somewhere and slowly desensitising her to everything that causes a fear response in a careful and positive way so you may need help with this. Please think about it carefully as you would hate to get to into adulthood and regret the fact that you may have been able to spare 8-12 weeks to put her through puppy school and basic obedience.

Let us know your general area and we can advise from there. Also training with food is not about bribery, it's about rewarding her for her good work and for her to learn that all the good things in life come from you, she can learn this. :rolleyes:


Closest puppy and obiedence is about one hour away and of a night. I have a four year old and two year old, the two year old at that time is in bed, and if not over tried and playing up (so he would distract everyone). My husband works away in a field service position so it is a case of now you see him and now you don't depends on when the phone rings. I was hoping to complete puppy school , obiendence and get into aggility but unfortuntely till the kids are older it is not practical I just wish it was. So I have to try and do the best that I can.

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