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Barking Problem

Guest Tess32

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I need some advice on barking. We have applied for a three dog permit and they were mostly fine (you can't get it until you get the dog) but said two neighbours said they barked a lot and so we had to address that first.

Reilly barks at the next door neighbour's fence. I don't think it's all day but I have nothing to record him with. They are quite loud and noisy, always banging doors, or kids hitting fence etc and he can get quite worked up. He also just LIKES to bark.

Any suggestions? All I've thought of is the citronella collar and a kong.

I've put the other dog inside during the day instead but this is not an option for Reilly.

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I've been looking at this issue as well and was looking for more answers. Here are some quick suggestions

- a segregated section of the yard or a dog run.

- an electric fence inside the noisy neighbour fence.

- I read that e-collars work better than citronella collars.

I'll think of more later :laugh:

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I used an electric collar with my previous dog, worked whilst she had it on, but latter found out the problem wasn't my dog, she was being stirred up by a roaming dog that was sitting on the other side of her kennel eating her bones......I felt really bad.

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Any suggestions? All I've thought of is the citronella collar and a kong.

If you're not there to supervise and it's being provoked, my advice would be to forget trying to train him out of it. Making sure he has something to do is important so that he doesn't just bark to entertain himself, but if he's being provoked to bark, a kong probably won't help.

Consider whether you can prevent him getting the stimulation from them. Is it possible to put a kennel run down the side of your house furthest away from the noisy neighbours? Can you do anything more to screen them from you visually and aurally? A higher fence, plant some fast growing hedge, put shadecloth over the front gates, etc?

I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to devices that are not activated by the handler, including citronella collars. I think they impose an unnecessary amount of stress on the dog and I'm not keen on the idea of imposing a correction I am not around to supervise.

Basically, dogs bark. Barky breeds bark more. Living in suburbia means living right next door to people who are rude and/or intolerant. Not every problem of this kind can be solved, but I hope you find something that works for you.

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I think my first stop is the tape recorder. He used to bark when we came home but this week (since the other dog is now inside) my mum has come home and nothing - no barking. Also she gets home around the same time the kids do, so I'm hoping that's enough. I'm not convinced he really DOES bark THAT much during the day.

He can't really see the kids unless they climb up, which they do occasionally and the fence is alright quite high. Anyway will try that first. I hope that as long as there is no barking at all from 2pm onwards that's reasonable.

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How's the barking going Tess?

I have been dilligently teaching Bella not to bark at people walking past which is working really well. I'm using a word, the growling at her method and a bit of timeout. Today I discovered that Bruno has decided Bella is not doing her job properly so now HE is barking instead :rofl::rofl:

I love dogs :rofl:

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Still not sure about the day, but really good in the evening. He's now inside/outside by choice from after our evening walk, and he has been out for hours without a single bark. I simply look at him if he does it, and he stops immediately and comes inside, hehe.

I don't THINK he barks much during the day but still need to find a tape recorder so I can figure it out. At least I know there is zero barking other than the occasional and acceptable play woofies from 2.30pm onwards.

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