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1st Obedience Class!


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Hi, I had my first beginner obedience lesson last night with my lab boy! I showed him while he was younger and he had a few issues with other dogs. So decided to take him out of the showring for a while and signed up for an obedience class, as the shows were too far apart, and I think he needs regular contact with other dogs. He is 16 months old.

It was fun, a lot of talking and not much actual practice, for the first night, but my boy wasn't too bad, he is great at the actuall obedience stuff, it is just keeping him from being distracted by the other dogs. He started the lesson a bit edgy and growled at a few dogs that came too close, but by the end of the lesson he was much more relaxed. So hopefully after 8 weeks he will be a much more social boy.

I am hoping to go further and possibly trial with him, but early days yet! He does learn very fast and is very keen, it is just sorting out his crankiness with other dogs!

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im sure you and your dog will love obedience, and trialling is so much fun. Your boy should get better with other dogs as he goes more, but just remember not to have a death grip on him when other dogs are around or he will think there is something to be worried about, try always to keep a loose lead and get him focused on you when another dog comes close. If it looks like a situation is going to happen, then just turn around and walk him away from it and get his focus on you. Good luck, relax and have fun !

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Thanks for the advice 'kelpiesrule.' I definitely have to work at staying relaxed with him around other dogs, because I think I do tense up when other dogs come too close, which I probably do pass on to him. I am working on that though. I am surprised though by people who don't keep their own dogs close to them and let them come over to us. I did warn those around me that my boy was a little cranky with other dogs, but they would still let there dogs come just a bit too close for my liking.

One guy even told me that my dog wouldn't growl at his bitch, and actually let her come right over and guess what...my boy did growl and wasn't impressed. Even though, he still let his dog on a loose lead walk over to mine :rolleyes: Never mind, it was a good experience though and I think he will only get better!

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the world seems to be full of idiots that think they know your dog better than you, all you can do is just walk away and refocus him on you, if they think you are rude, then that is their problem, much better to do that than end up in a dog fight !! A friend of mine has just been through all the same thing, and he is great now.

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I second the focus work. Make that the first thing that you teach and it should make life a bit easier on you.

Meeting scores of dogs will not neccessarily help your dog. Postive experiences around them will though. Don't let strangers approach your dog even if they ask.

I find the less dogs mine meets, the better. Less chance of having a bad experience.

Funny enough.........you actually don't see many Labs trialling compared to other breeds.

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