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Aly Is Losing Her Fur


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Hi everyone, havent been in here for so long.

But My staffy Aly is losing her fur quite a bit actualy,Ive just bathed her and quite a lot has come out. Staffys dont seem to drop much normaly but this to me is a bit to much. She does has skin alergies and is on macrolone tablets,she was also on antihistamine tablets but didnt seem to do too much and my ver took her off them.She is on eukanuba buscuits the senstive skin ones.Also once or twice a week she gets a tin of sardines,,,,she loves fish!!!!

Hope someone out there will have some suggestions, I go to the ver they say try this do that and nothing really hlps it does start to add up to a lot of money, not that I mind to much as she is very dear to me, very spoilt. 7 years old.

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Maybe you should consider changing her diet to either a BARF or RAW food diet instead of the dried food. Some dogs can be allergic to the grains they put in dried food.

What do you bath her in?

What area of Australia are you in? I know alot of people in NSW and Qld are having problems with their dogs skins because of the constant rain and muggy weather.

If you are in a warmer climate maybe she is shedding.

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I'd be trying to find out the cause of her allergies before you switch to RAW/BARF - particularly if its a food allergy. Orbit has allergies/itchy skin and he drops a lot of coat too, but mostly it grows back. It could just be broken hairs coming off from the scratching, plus as the skin is irritated and inflamed, the hair my be falling out a little more.

Has your vet worked up the allergies? ie do you know whether its food, pollens, dust mites etc?

Supplements may help, I've started Orbit on biotin tablets and a coat enhancer to help generally improve his skin and coat. I also wash him in a medicated shampoo a couple of times a week to keep bacterial infections at bay....

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Im taking Aly to a new vet this morning her tummy is very red raw she cant seem to lay on it, so had a restless night with her.

I live in WA and hasnt been to sticky from rain here,as we havent had much:-) worse luck.

She has been drinking water I kept taking her out last night, but she is off her food, no whighning for her 1/2 cup of biscuits,so that tells me shes not happy.

I use Malaseb to wash her in.


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I have a black stafford and pale timber flooring and I think that staffords drop heaps of hair. I could sweep twice a day with the amount that Ollie drops.

Perhaps try a different diet - see an holistic vet to get the right type of diet for her allergies. I would be giving her 1000mg of fish oil in tablet form every day as well.

Her tummy being all red, sounds like some sort of contact allergy, maybe a grass that she is lying on.

Good luck at the vet


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Well she did have a bath yesterday, she does enjoy that bit like when we wash our hair I suppose feels good :-)

I'm now thinking bet she did the comarndo crawl over the lawn,

I did have her on fish oil I would have one and she would too, must get some more today, thanks for the reminder.

Anyways in a hr I will know what is going on.

Thanks for the replies

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Well back from the vets, what a nice change to have a Dr that talks and doesnt rush you out, she did a skin scraping of Aly no mites,, sigh of releif,No fleas, she has never had a flea (She isnt a dog!) lol

Tanya (vet) said it proberly a really bad reaction to the grass from yesterday, she has given me antihistamine for her and Ilium Neocourt to help the inflamation and it is a antibiotic, so fingers crossed things start to see the up side again.

She did mention trying her on Kangaroo meat and I think she said potato? maybe was rice cant sem to remember...


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Kangaroo is great for most dogs but it is stronger than beef etc, so I would try weaning her onto it or she might get the runs. Try giving her half roo and half chicken for a few days then 3/4 roo and 1/4 chicken, until she accepts it without getting the runs.

I would say the vet meant sweet potato, we use the pink/orange one and zucchini too. Just boil it up and mash it well.

Glad to hear she will be fine

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Thanks staffyluv,

Aly is such a special girl, but I guess anyone with a staffy knows how beautiful their nature is, she turned 7 this year and has been a delight from the time she came to out home :love:


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Thanks staffyluv,

Aly is such a special girl, but I guess anyone with a staffy knows how beautiful their nature is, she turned 7 this year and has been a delight from the time she came to out home :happydance:


Just a little update,Alys red rashy skin has started to clear up really good Im sure it was the antihistamine the Vet gave me and the cream :happydance: ,now waiting to get the shampoo (groomers) I ordered cant wait to see how that will help with her fur loss. :happydance:

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Staffords do drop alot of coat anyway, if its the EPO Shampoo from Groomers your getting it will help tons. I use the EPO food suppliment as well with my boy and we haven't had any more skin issues. I wouldn't be concearned with the hair loss unless its obvious patches or anything, premium food and regular bathing routine in Epo shampoo will make all the difference.

I assume thats Ally in your Avitar, I love B&T Staffords, even though not an acceptable color there is something about them that I really like, she's cute, a little podggy :happydance: sorry, she's gorgeous anyway!

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Staffords do drop alot of coat anyway, if its the EPO Shampoo from Groomers your getting it will help tons. I use the EPO food suppliment as well with my boy and we haven't had any more skin issues. I wouldn't be concearned with the hair loss unless its obvious patches or anything, premium food and regular bathing routine in Epo shampoo will make all the difference.

I assume thats Ally in your Avitar, I love B&T Staffords, even though not an acceptable color there is something about them that I really like, she's cute, a little podggy :laugh: sorry, she's gorgeous anyway!

:p Yes that is Aly and yes black and tan,we didnt want a show dog I thought she was just so cute when we got her, she is a bit thinner now I must update her photo.

yes its the groomers shampoo spoke to Archie on the phone and he has explained how to use it, so now waiting for it to arrive.

She is spoilt rotten as most people with staffys know, that staffys arent dogs :laugh:

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I use the EPO and it is great. Also like others have said, get the omega oil in Aly, it will make the world of difference. If you are feeding fish oil, make sure they ever contain Vit E or you are adding it to her diet as the oil can go rancid without it. I like to use an omega blend with Vitamin E already loaded.

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