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Is Drontal Making My Puppy Sick?


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I recently switched to Drontal as an all wormer and gave my Mini Foxie her first dose last week. Since then she has vomitted at least once per day. Other than the vomitting she is behaving normally. Is it possible the Drontal has caused this?

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There are defianately animals that do not tolerate Drontal but I would never expect symptoms to last a week. Pups that react have been 12 hours or less for me at least (not using Drontal though). I look for other causes and see a vet.

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My old boy can't have Drontal but is fine with Propantal...it would often affect him for a week so I stopped using it, same symptoms everytime he was wormed with it.

However it didn't affect anyone else, just him - he's a sensitive soul :rolleyes:

Edited by AZIAH
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  • 2 weeks later...
Angs does not tolerate Drontal and was vomitting afterwards. I now use Interceptor and have no problems (other than remembering to do it once a month).

Out of 6 dogs, we have one terrier cross who is sensitive to Drontal and always vomits through the night if I forget and give it to him. He normally gets Propantel and is fine with that. None of our other dogs have a problem with it so go figure.

I agree with everyone else - if your pup is still unwell a week after treatment (it would be longer now!), I'd be seeing a vet.

Good luck.


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