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How Do You Know If Your Puppy Is Really Happy?


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I think that most dogs are happy providing their basic needs are met, even those who don't live in an ideal environment are probably happy, as dogs accept the way things are and don't know that their lives could be any different. Dogs live in the present, they don't fret about the past or worry about the future and they have no concept of death.

BTW a wagging tail doesn't always denote happiness, but that's an entirely different topic.

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What a difficult question - as you say they dont laugh and you cant sit them down for a deep and meaningful to ask them if they are happy. So I guess I look at this way, are they happy to see me when I come home from work? Well yes they jump around and race to and from the gate and the back door until I go outside to see them. Thier tails are never still, although as Miranda says that is not a dead set indication - but for Labradors it is often called a happy meter.

Do you meet all thier needs, food and water, warmth, play, love, affection etc? If youanswered yes then perhaps they have nothing to be unhappy about.

I do know that if one of us goes out and takes all the dogs except our boy, he sulks at home until the girls come back and when they went missing he spent about half an hour in the back yard howling this mournful noise. Eventually it was breaking my heart so we bought him inside, he was a little more settled then but looked almost depressed until the girls were returned to us.

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Yes, my puppy jumps around and is very excited to see me. If I leave the room for a minute and close the door (if I go to the garage or the bathroom), she sits outside the door until I come back.

We have cuddles and kisses and lots of play time. I wish I could spend more time with her during the week but unfortunately work gets in the way.

She gets plenty of warmth - I am going to have a fight on my hands this winter for the heater.

She gets all her food and water and treats.

I hope that's enough.

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8 weeks old


19 weeks old


Well I don't know if she's happy, but she just made me happy :rolleyes: . Your photo's are adorable

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