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Alternative For E-bark Collar

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Thanks so much for all your responses. The reason I'm saying it's illegal here is 2 companies I've contacted have said they can't ship to SA as they are not allowed.

K9 Force have you ever hired to someone is SA before? Maybe I need to look further into the legallities etc.

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I don't know how effective they are but I believe some councils hire out the citronella collars. One of the rangers from the Salisbury council I spoke to mentioned it to me when I was asking about excessive barking and the council regulations.

Might be worth contacting your council? Also you could look into keeping them entertained during the day. Filled kongs, frozen treats/food in an ice cream container of water so they have to work on getting their food. Aussie dog toys, a doggy sand pit...

Good luck :)

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K9: The Cold spray collars in our own personal tests returned a success rate of approx 70 - 75%. The electronic no bark collars, namley our Dogtra YS300 is constantly returning over 99% success.

Are these legal in NSW though? I'm at my wits end with Darcy. He barks to warn whatever is "out" there - especially since a few years ago the bratty grandkids next door threw rocks at him.

A Little off topic but the reason I ask is very much ON topic. as far as I can see there are three types of E-collar

Anti Bark= Audio trigger

Remote= radio controled

Perimeter= triggered when crossing a perimeter loop

Are they all illegal in NSW? I thought that perimeter loop triggered collars were legal in NSW?

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K9: The collars do not teach the dog anything, the dog learns that barking isnt as pleasureable as it once was, this breaks the habit & when the collar is taken off the dogs dont bark in many cases.

The 99% success rate is based on a "fit the collar the barking stops" test. This is the first step that needs to be taken to get the council & neighbours off peoples backs in most cases.

Without this high success rate, there is no chance of braking the habit.

Probably worth mentioning that the collar should be put on the dog without the battery in for a few hours initially (and this done every few days) so that the dog does not associate the collar with pain when barking.

Otherwise they will learn not to bark but only when the collar is actually on.

ETA Oops, didn't see this:

But i reckon the e collar be put on the dog for at least 10 days before you switch it on.. Otherwise some "smarter/cunning" dogs will associate the collar to the correction. Having the collar not turned on in this time should stop this problem..


Edited by GreySpace
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Just a note to clarify at last years APDT Conference they had some legal minds clarify the E Collar: NSWand VIC do not allow an E Collar to be used. Unless under the supervision of a recognised Dog Trainer and not just someone who calls themselves a dog trainer. (ie someone who has completed the recognised course by APDT) SA do not allow the collars. The other states were more grey on this. Mind you it is not illegal to sell the bloody things in the pet shops.... sheese when will legislation balance out.

Hope this helps.

Hi All,

Looking for some advice. My 18 month old GSD has started to bark to the point it's bothering the neighbours while we aren't home. He is walked twice a day most days and I do a short obedience session in the morning- I will be extending the time spent on this. I was hoping to be able to use the collar for a short time while we are not here to correct the behaviour, any suggestions please.

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E-collars are illegal to use in ACT as well, although debarking is not. However, I know of someone recently from Canberra who sent her dog to Wodonga for a few weeks training (with an ecollar I beleive) and he has come back quiet as a mouse, just the occassional bark. She had tried the other collars and they did not work (spray collars are difficult with a double coated breed) and wasnt ready to try debarking.

He was happy as larry, well fed and looked after and no other changes to his personality when he came back. She thought it is well worth the money spent.

So perhaps kenneling your dog with a good trainer interstate might be an option if you are desperate.

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