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Tyson's Behaviour


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Tyson is now about 5 months old, we got him when he was 4 months old. We've just finished puppy preschool with him and the trainer loved him and he was always used as the first puppy to socialise with the others because of his gentle, polite personality. When approaching other pups he'd do it cautiously but once he'd have a sniff he'd be fine, even having rough and tumbles with the ridgy pup in our class.

When i take Tyson for a walk and he sees another dog he was bark at them! Its not an agressive bark but the same sort of bark he would do when someone enters our property at home or when he see's something strange and doesnt know what it is. He will just bark and bark and bark with his hackles up whilst keeping his distance, but at the same time wagging his tail and appearing like he wants to play with them but cant bring himself to do it, if they come towards his he will run backwards with his tail between his legs, its not until i approach the dog that he will do the same. Yesterday once he sniffed the dog he backed up and just went back to barking again!

Tyson does the same sort of thing with people he doesnt know, if someone enters our property he will bark and bark its not until i tell him the person is okay that he'll then go and give them kisses and want a cuddle. If im taking Tyson for a walk he is very wary of any person he sees, he has to keep him eyes on them. Especially when someone is walking behind us, its a bit hard to walk because he doesnt want to turn his eyes away from them! ;) He might even give a low little bark if he decides he doesnt like that person too much. Although when ive had strangers stop to talk to me or even some that where just standing close by Tyson will go and sit at their feet wagging is tail for a pat. He's very particular about people, although he'll always accept anyone i accept.

Being wary of strangers i have no problem with, what i am worried about is when he barks at other dogs! Im sure he must seem very threatening to the dog owners seeing this big staffy/mastiff pup barking at their dog with his hackels up. I know for sure he doesnt mean any harm and isnt doing it in a threatening manner, it seems he's just unsure of the situation and doesnt know how to go about it.

Anyone want to give me any suggestions as to what i might do about this? :rolleyes:

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While this doesn't help you much, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone!!

My 5 month old puppy also barks at people and dogs. This is decreasing more as he gets further away from that normal fear period. Having said that, he still does seem wary of people and dogs but with a little encouragement (food encouragement is his favourite!) he'll end up relaxing a little and being more accepting.

My approach is not to make a big deal out of his barking. You can usually tell from their body language what their general feeling is about a situation, and its wariness I try to get positive things associated with what he is wary of.

My only advice is to persist. If he responds well to food, you can bring some high value treats and when he looks to you instead of the other dog, praise him and treat him if appropriate.

Sometimes if you find you are worried he will start barking when you see another dog or person, you can inadvertently communicate your tension to him which will help set him off. My main theory on that one is just to stay relaxed.

(Apologies if this is aimed at the wrong level - not sure what your experience is or what you've tried).

Are you continuing his socialisation and obedience? I find this has gone a long way to help my pup. My little guy socialises regularly and frequently, and as I said, he seems to be improving.

I hope that helps, or at least makes you feel more normal! :rolleyes:

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Needs more socialising.

When he barks, try to take his focus off the barking by having a toy, or a treat, and only give it when he sits and is quiet.

Food is a great motivator. He is barking because he is worried - socialising more will help. Maybe you could go sit quietly on the edge of a field or park while people are playing/walking/etc. Get his attention with treats, so the noise new people are in the background, and he is getting used to them by default. PS - wouldn't do this at a school though, or a busy place to begin with. You can overwhelm them and make them more anxious, which is what I think his difficulty is in the first place. The hackles up is a giveaway about anxiety.

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My 4 month Amstaff does this occasionally, usually when he thinks he should play with the other dog. We have been practicing "watch" when other dogs or people walk past. Seems to work really well.

I have also been doing it with my old unsocialised dog and she's doing ok with it too. We actually managed to walk sensibly past two GSD the other day (they were approx 20 metres away) and that's a first for a long time.

Make sure you used a high value treat though or the other dog will be much more rewarding :D

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Hi, i noticed this thread, i tried to get the attention of my boy with duck treats, which would be really scrumtious, but he wasn't taking them.

what do you use for a high value treat? roast chicken? liver? i am going through doggy treats like its going out of fashion.

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if your dog is FEARFUL and barking/hackling DO NOT try to 'comfort' or praise him, or pat him, as this is telling him that you approve of his behaviour- that it is the 'right' way to behave.....

Only give him attention/pats etc when he is being calm and confident!!!

Dogs do not reason as we do- telling an upset or aggressive pup "It's OK, they won't hurt you,you're a good boy" rewards him/her for being fearful/aggressive :)

It's hard NOT to try and reassure them- but IMO it is not very helpful .

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I understand where you are coming from. Zoya is just over a year now. she is a friendly, lovely and dopey dog. The thing is she is quite large and like to smile. What i mean by smiling is she lifting her upper lips and showing her teeth. she has done this since she was 8 weeks old. she always smile when welcoming me home or seeing people she fond of.

Zoya loves playing with other dogs and quite gentle with small dogs or puppies. But i understand that in other people view she looks quite big and nasty especially when she was grinning and wagging her tails + bark occasionally

She walks regularly and I try to take her to dog walks events so she just get used to seeing other dogs and hopefully ignore them.

no treats work so far, i have to put her in sit position and talk to her. a lot of people give me dirty looks when i did this cause they must have assumed that my dog must be considered dangerous. :)

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Thanks for the replies guys!

I usualy either ignore him or say an angry 'hey!'. I havent tried the treats, ill give that a go, anything food related is high value to Tyson so i dont think that will be a problem.

Ive found he usually calms down once he gets to have a sniff of them and decides he likes them, ive been giving him lots of socialisation and he's been getting heaps better (now he only seems to do a warning bark when he notices a dog/person he doesnt know instead of constanly barking). This one time though Tyson met these two small fluffy dogs in an offlead area and even after having a sniff he just would not stop barking! I squatted down to pat one of the dogs to show Tyson they'r okay and it growled at me! I guess he was right about that one, but considering he was the one looking bad everyone elce that was in the park picked their dogs up off the ground and promptly left. Later on that day he met a male staffy and didnt bark at him at all! They hit it off straight away and played like best friends.

I will definatley try the 'look' when he's constantly barking at another dog, see how that goes. :cheer:

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