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  1. poor little Molly I have never used the injection .Hopefully now she will recover quickly .
  2. Poor man - that would have been frightening. Andvery painful. Glad the owner has been "spoken to" ....hopefully she will get a bit more than a conversation! Broome sounds a dangerous place !
  3. Keisha died last december Maybe read the thread before commenting ?
  4. Agree- 6 litters in two years ? I bet a lot of the older breeders will be put down due to them not being socialised etc .
  5. Here's hoping! Interesting studies .
  6. I had no idea rangers are so ill-equipped to do a good job That makes it very hard.That poor woman and those with her ...horrific.
  7. Good boy, Blue!! What a good ending for owner and dogs
  8. Yes- when I was working at Guide Dogs - we had to keep the dogs in good condition - they were working dogs - and often it was suggested they were not the right shape for a lab (ie: coffee table)
  9. I don't envy you your situation - There has to be the RIGHT person out there for him ...
  10. Oh Dear Poor little boy - he had no idea ...but where were his parents? I also feel for the dog's owner , probably having his mate now taken from him ...but why was the dog eating in the presence of a child ?
  11. yes, it all sounded great - it at least got many cats desexed and would have put a big halt to cat population growth for a while.
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