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    To produce better with each generation
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    Cavies, Chihuahua's, Cattle dogs, horses.

    I learned the art of improving with every generation with show Cavies. Created the first true breeding pure black Cavies (guinea pigs) in Australia. The same with my Long coat Cavies.
    The first time Cavies were exhibited at Sydney Royal. ..
    They won both Supreme Champion sashes on offer the supreme smooth coat was a black all ASAL blood, Exhibited by Percy Short. Defeating even the English imports.
    The yound lady whose name i have unfortunately forgotten, exhibited her long coat and much to her delight, defeated the English imports as well.. The day I began to understand (imp) does not automatically imply “best”.

    My dogs I hope will continue to give as much pleasure and joy as mine have me.

    My horses have won both in Australia and overseas.

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  1. I too have seen first hand how much loved greyhounds are loved by both their breeders and owners. My daughter in laws family has them, a brother breeds and races his, they are trained to run to the catching pen for their favourite toy. As a result his dogs are not "chasing the mechanical hare" they are running for the catching pen and their toy. Result, in a race the hare malfunctioned one day and stopped, only one dog in the race field stopped at the" hare". all the other 9 were doing the same as Honey, racing to their toy. As a result although the owner of the dog that stopped tried to have it declared a "no race" it was refused and the placings declared. The winner? Honey by three lengths. 3 wins for 3 races. She then went to my daughter in laws sister and I couldn't count how many people after meeting Honey wanted to put their names down to adopt a greyhound she impressed them so with her loving gentle nature. Ah and her incredible zoomie's around the backyard playing with her toys. So many people got to meet her because after having some puppies stolen from me by people who had come to see mine when they were for sale, Maree offered to let me bring them to her place for potential buyers to meet as I had become too afraid to have people come to my home. almost every one who met Honey was so taken by her, decided if they get a second dog as a companion for their puppy, they want a greyhound too but hey that's not the kind of stories Emma Hurst wants made public
  2. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/genetic-mutation-in-a-quarter-of-all-labradors-hard-wires-them-for-obesity
  3. fascinating so our pollies are happy to hand over millions to the rspca yet refuse to contribute towards future vets? so much for any concern for animal welfare
  4. INTERESTING LAST post on the subject is 2016 Yet still thousands of dogs and cats end up in pounds WITH NO CHIP! SO nothing has been done to address the underground breeders in the last 8 years
  5. I was asked to microchip a puppy, the owner told me it was a jack Russell. Blind Freddy could have felt it and known it was either a pit bull or an amstaff. owners get pretty creative. If I can tell a rotti, collie, kelpie, cattle, chi, etc puppy I somehow suspect I might have got it right on that one too. When I told Richard my vet he cracked up and said, he had been told Jack Russell too for what he knew certainly was not, as well when chipping. He said on that occasion he too was sure was the same breed I thought the pup I was about to chip. its tough. It was during the worst of BSL people were trying to protect their puppies suspect this cutie is either all chihuahua or minimum 3/4, otherwise it would be long body and v short legs, as for being chocolate not sure if jack russell's even carry chocolate. yes he's chocolate, chocolate nose and dilute eyes. add being long coat, JR only carry smooth or wire. and....... https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/bradbury/dogs-puppies/9-week-old-jackchi/1322499725 well they do have chocolate JK in UK.
  6. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-17/nsw-police-shot-western-sydney-man-bradley-balzan-inquest/103592578 No matter what that coroners investigation arrives at, my bets are on he tried to save his dog and paid with his life. As for being chased like that and jumped on in his own backyard, wearing a hoodie is no excuse for that they did. total tragedy on all counts. know st marys well and it is scary at times.
  7. Catch is I well remember when the first ones arrived here. One imported male was dual registered in America as a Pitbull with one association and an American Staffordshire Terrier with the American ankc. so in yanki land they can be registered as both. kind of muddies the waters. Bit like the american quarter horses. one of their leading sires, Three Bars just happened to also be a Stud Book Thoroughbred. another that became a leading Thoroughbred and QH sire over there was Noholme (imp Aust) Does Star Kingdom (imp UK) and Todman ring a bell? Both leading ASB LEADING SIRES first one is his dad and the second his full brother. Yanks are creative in their breeding and registers. One of his sons registered as a pure bred quarter horse was bought by an Aussie to import here but soon as he found out his sire, cancelled the purchase. If he had landed here just about every horseman here would have recognised Noholme's name and know if he had been born here he would have had to be registered as a first cross QH. the fat sure would have hit the fan.
  8. i was warning members of the ANKC as early as 1990 that ANKC need to get politicly active to counter the PETA threat. Even more so when an RSPCA member working for jacki Lambi mp. that she had received a letter asking her to get all family and friends to join and vote in coming AGM as the writer was aware the membership was being stacked by PETA members to ensure the next 2000 election would complete the election of sufficient PETA members to the board to complete the control of RSPCA board. It is pretty obvious this was achieved by the changes to becoming RSPCA inc , although the changes were already in progress as PETA members had began being elected at the previous agm's already. Last year was the first time the now DOGS NSW woke up and sent out how to vote info for a state election realising the proliferation of AJP and greens was going to end pet ownership the legislations they has been getting past was just about the point of no return. so much so PETA rep in Victoria had boasted on a radio program she anticipated "the extinction of domestic cats and dog's in this generation" did not elaborate if she meant the human or cat and dog generation? if the election being called before the second vote had not ceased the passage of the proposed legislation that females were allowed only two litters and all males could not be bred from after age 7, it would certainly been extinction within 15 to 20 years
  9. I learned first hand one shot done to the right place kills instantly. down and out, not even a twitch. green dream does not, ask any vet, first ingredient is paralysis , that's why they seem so go to sleep so peacefully . mare had broken her leg, vet was out of green dream, but he had all the ingredients to make it save the paralysing one. you never want to see your beloved pet's body fighting to live, even if your vet is repeatedly assuring you "she is completely unconscious she is in no pain anymore, all the twitching fighting to breathe and paddling is just her nervous system shutting down" seemed to take forever .. and ever... and ever. so traumatic. still makes me sick to remember. friends son tried to kill himself with green dream, but he didn't realise have to either have someone else administer it or use a drip so he passed out before had injected enough to finish it. so survived although did quite a bit of damage to the arm he injected it in. At least complete green dream does give the peaceful looking end for us to cope with. the paralysing agent stops the body muscles doing what my mares did
  10. yes its now "humane" to pump 7 to 16 bullets body shot, (no head shot) into a brumby body from above from a helicopter but an abattoir will be closed ff an AR hidden camera films a calf blinking three times on the kill floor proving its not completely unconscious? according to the rspca vet, the shot brumbies were "insensible within 7 seconds" never seen any shooter get 7 shots let alone 16 delivered in less than 7 seconds? any hunter worth the name that cant bring down their target in one clean shot is mortified Hence the hunters and shooters party calling the National parks and rspca out for cruelty over the brumby cull slaughter
  11. the problem with selecting for heterozygosity solely is no guarantee that it doesn't carry one copy of the gene or genes u dont want? its not that simple two heterozygote carriers can produce 25% affected progeny two homozygous clear for example can never produce affected progeny. so many vets scream INBRED when any defective pup turns up even when there is no common ancestors in the parents? Their ignorance of genetics is appalling,. although as Richard pointed out, "genetics isn't a topic studied" as it has no application in veterinary medicine, "the curriculum is so big already they graduate with the basics, then continue learning at your expense"
  12. I have received pup from dogmovers and they had locks on the doors? so glad its been found
  13. Running out of time to have your say. These amendments intend to declare animals as SENTIENT beings. Don't be fooled, it's a token gesture, real agenda, PETA goal towards extinction of domestic animals. https://engage.vic.gov.au/new-animal-welfare-act-victoria
  14. there is no excuse for not making sure your dog cannot attack anyone. But it happens way too often, there needs to be fines enforced hip pocket pain is long remembered
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