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Carpal Wraps For Wrist/leg Deformities


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I'm investigating as to whether a carpal wrap would be of assistance with a 6 month old pug.

When she came into rescue at 7 weeks she had quite severe knuckling over and valgus of the wrist. Her diet was changed which greatly improved both problems and now at 6 months her wrist and leg is much stronger but it is still a little wonky and you can see that she has a slight bowing of the leg.

She is a tiny little pug 4.5kg and at the most she will probably only get to 5.5kg.

When she was with me, from 7 weeks to 5 months, my vet said that he would rather not split the leg (he last saw her at 4 months) as it can cause other problems and it was better to let her grow and gain strenght in the leg.

I am wondering now that she is 6 months if a soft carpal wrap would be of assistance? Something like this http://www.dogleggs.com/files/carpalbrace.cfm

Here's a photo of her with her sister and mum. She is in the middle and you can see that her front leg on the right bows.


Edited by puggy_puggy
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