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Mealtime Behaviour,


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Henschke does the strangest thing...

We feed Henschke kibble mixed with a bit of sardines for his coat, tell him to wait before he eats (it's a long wait) and then release him. He will start eating and then the next thing he tips the food over onto the floor and then proceeds to eat it off the floor!

I'd be interested to know why he does it and what we're doing wrong, or if there is anything else we can do to stop this behaviour.


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Perhaps he finds it easier to 'select' his fav parts of the food (whether that be the kibble or the sardine).

Perhaps try a larger food bowl and see what he does with that.

Ceramic ones are the better ones for not tipping them over (I prefer the concept of eating from these rather than from metal or plastic) or try one of those metal bowls that aren't so easily 'tippable'. If you go for ceramic - go for a good quality pet one as I recall some talk about certain 'glazes' that should be avoided.

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Perhaps he finds it easier to 'select' his fav parts of the food (whether that be the kibble or the sardine).

Funny you should mention this, as we are currently feeding him two foods - one as a way to get rid of it. I noticed that when he was eating his meal he was dropping only one of the kibble on the floor. So I removed his bowl, replaced it with only the one kibble and hey, presto! No tipping over!

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