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First Day Home - Problems


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Wow, we got our puppy when he was just 7 weeks old and we haven't even had him for a week yet, but already he sleeps from about 10pm until 6am. During the day we take him to the toilet every hour or 2 and he goes but only does a little, but in the mornings he does a lot more. Is this perhaps because he's a larger breed? I've read that smaller breeds seem to need more time with their litter mates whereas in our case, his mother had been ignoring all the puppies since they were about 6 weeks, to the point where the breeder had stepped in to try start their bite inhibition training. Originally we had wanted him to sleep in the laundry at night, but that distressed him so much that he actually had an accident in his bed (I'm guessing he's just too young to sleep alone) so now he sleeps on his bed in our room and he's very good about it, no accidents since. Now we can ask him if he needs to go to the toilet, or he'll tell us but when he does it means we literally have about 10 seconds before he goes lol. Are we just incredibly lucky with him or is this typical of larger breeds?

Neither of my puppies cried at all. With Odin, my first puppy, the breeders warned that he may not eat the first day and may cry a lot and seem unsettled.

Well, we carried him in and put him on the floor. He started playing with us immediately, cuddling, running around, chasing his ball. Then had a proper dinner and promptly went to sleep in his puppy pen right outside our bedroom door :offtopic:

Reading all the other threads, I feel terribly lucky.

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