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Just Wanting Attention Or Needs To Go Toilet?


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Hi All,

This is my first time here and have a few questions before I get my puppy on the weekend!

I have been reading through a lot of the topics and gathering some understanding on bringing up the pup.

So here are some things I need more understanding on:

1. At night I will be crating her and keeping the crate next to my bed.

I understand that she will need to go toilet and during the night, but my query is how would I know whether she is needing to go to the toilet or if she is just whining?

Is there something different they do? such as the noise they make are different or their actions are different?

Because I don't want to just let her out and fuss over her if she is just whining which might make her think by doing so she can get out of the crate.

2. I have read through the articles on dogstardaily.com and think that using the kong to feed the pup their daily meal is a good idea.

But if I also want to do the raw diet, it won't really work together will it? Or maybe one meal with kong and one meal raw?

3.If I leave the pup in long-term confined area when I am not home, and take her out for toilet when I am around, will this confuse the pup as to where to go toilet?

Would appreciate all your help!! thanks!! :wave:

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From what I understand with crating/toileting...

You should make sure you take your pup to the toilet before putting them in the crate and shutting the door. They will probably/possible whine for 5 mins, or an hour. Since they have only just toileted, that is unlikely to be the reason why. DON'T get the pup put during this time.

If, however, they wake up 4 hours later and start whining, they likely need to go to the toilet. Take them outside (carry them so they don't get stuck on the way out), and make it very matter-of-fact...no cuddles or playing, just toilet and then back in crate. They may whine again, but again, its the same as before.

I've done alot of reading on it so hopefully this is on track :thumbsup:

Re-the feeding, again, this is only my opinion from the reading I have done. The kongs sound really good, but I think it would also be good to just use a bowl every now and then too.. you may not always have a kong handy to feed them. I would use the kong to feed them when they are going to be on their own for a little while..it keeps them entertained while they're there on their own.

When you say "long term confined", what does this mean to you?

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Just going to answer 4. You can stuff a kong with all sort of raw things but frankly I wouldn't bother IF you are feeding big chunks. If you're feeding a minced raw diet or barf patties then yep, stick it in the kong, but if you're intending to hand over 1/2 a rabbit then the kong is redundant really.

Enjoy the new pup!

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Thanks for the replies!!

I will be setting up long term area for pup with the play pen and crate inside, toilet on the furthest corner.

This will be for during the day so I think I will also use the Kong to feed the morning meal during this time so she keeps herself entertained.

Then for dinner I will feed the raw diet - chicken neck/bone etc.

Hopefully that will be ok!

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Oh I get you :thumbsup:

So the pup will be inside during the day on its own? Will you have pads on the floor or something? I don't know anything about that, and probably wouldn't do it myself, so I'm not too sure sorry.

Oh and also, what kind of puppy is it?? :laugh:

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prob not much help, but i've distinguished the difference between our pups needing to wee cries, and her give me attention ones. Also the timing does help, but i find sometimes my Molly doesn't totally empty her bladder if something distracts her mid way through, so a half hour she needs to go again.

Personally, i don't feed Molly any meals in her Kong, as she's not that into them yet, but maybe later i would give her breakfast in the Kong or treat ball to keep her entertained through the day, and maybe a RMB etc for lunch?

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From what I understand with crating/toileting...

You should make sure you take your pup to the toilet before putting them in the crate and shutting the door. They will probably/possible whine for 5 mins, or an hour. Since they have only just toileted, that is unlikely to be the reason why. DON'T get the pup put during this time.

If, however, they wake up 4 hours later and start whining, they likely need to go to the toilet. Take them outside (carry them so they don't get stuck on the way out), and make it very matter-of-fact...no cuddles or playing, just toilet and then back in crate. They may whine again, but again, its the same as before.

Yup, just as LL said.

....but watch out because we once went for at 3am pee with Fletcher, rand straight back inside, put him to bed ans then he whined and whined and whined... and then he pooed. :thumbsup: We should have known because it was very out of character of him to whine.

Having said that, he sometimes wakes up and makes little noises, but he hasn't had a middle of the night pee in a few weeks, so all i do is put my fingers in the crate and scratch behind his ears, he curls back and goes to sleep. This is something i tried pretty much from night one, and if he had continued to wriggle around then i would take him out.

So yeah, i reckon once they work out they should go *out* of the crate, the noise changes, so for the first little while, once they have gone to sleep, when they wake up - take them out - even with *no* noises, because the pup might not mind peeing in one corner of the crate at the start! :laugh: That night we didn't realise he needed to poo, he'd been crate trained for a few weeks so he got quite distressed. He got many apologies after that night and we never let that happen again!!

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Thanks everyone!

With feeding I won't really know until she arrives so I will test it out on saturday!

Yup it will be inside during the day, I will cover the floors insde the play pen totally until it learns where to go toilet!

Probably won't use newspaper, might seek other material that's longer lasting from bunnings?

It's a maltese x puppy! I am looking forward to picking her up! :thumbsup:

Edited by =SaNdY^BaBii=
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