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What To Feed My New Goldy Puppy?

Mez'n Lola

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Hi Everyone,

I'll be getting my new Golden Retriever puppy in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to find out what is the very best food to feed her.

The breeder has her on supercoat at the moment but I've heard this isn't the best, and I want to take into account the special needs of a Goldy relating to allergies and bone growth.

Is someone able to point me towards what they think is the best brand and why? And also, what raw food I should suppliment my puppys diet with.

Also.... I was wondering what everyone thinks about crate training? It's been deacades since I had a puppy and this is the first time I've heard about it.

I'm looking forward to everyones opinions.

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Welcome to DOL!

Firstly, I don't recommend you changing what the puppy is being fed for a few weeks once you get her.

That way you don't have to deal with a new puppy that has gut problems because of new food.

Wait for her to settle in before you change the diet.

I recommend Dr. Billinghursts BARF diet which is raw all natural without any artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives.

You would supplement with the dry food but I recommend you have a look at the site    www.dogfoodproject.com      and read all about it first.

Crate training is great and I totally recommend it but it has to be a happy experience for the dog, not a punishment!

Edited by STITCH
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Thanks for the advice Stitch.

That makes sense, I've had a quick look at the BARF diet and have visited the dogfoodproject (from your advice) and now I have a better idea. Will continue to look into them in more depth over the next few days.

Would still love to hear specific brand recommendations (if this allowed) for Golden Retrievers. Just to point me in the right direction, because I'm sure I'll have to visit a few different pet food distributors to find all the different brands that are out there.

It would be nice to know what brand to go in search for in order to read their labels and work out price and ease of availability.

Thanks again. :thumbsup:

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Hey there, I have a 13 week old male golden Retriever my breeder had him on Eukanuba, I found he got quiet hypo on this food and he tended to bite so much, I did a bit of research and just recently have changed his diet. im currently feeding him fresh veges (lots of green veges) with chicken mince meat kangaroo meat eggs (cooked) I rotate his diet, he loves it and doesn't upset his tummy or anything. But remember each pup individually is different! But he has been real sobre and well behaved none of this biting!

Also check out Liddels Lactose Free milk, my breeder recommended it as it wont give your pup the runs! Also carrots are great for teething and also kicks boredom! :thumbsup: Hope this helps "_"

Edited by Suki
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Hi Mez. Congrats on your new puppy. I'm not fond of Supercoat either, but different dogs do well on different foods. As someone has mentioned, it's not a good idea to change over to a new food quickly, especially when they are under enough stress going to a new home.

I feed my Goldies Artemis (www.artemispetfood.com.au) which gets delivered to my door. I use the Med/Large breed puppy, then change over to adult Fresh Mix at 5 or 6 months of age. Prior to Artemis i fed Eagle Pack Holistic which is also another excellent food, but i was dissatisfied for other reasons.

In the 'General' section of the forum, under 'Breed Sub forums' we also have a Retriever section if you'd like to join us!!

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Thanks everyone for your advice, and thankyou Goldielover for the invite, I think I will pop in there from time to time. I'll appreciate the support network.

I've heard Eagle Pack is a good one, but I've never heard of Artemis before, I'll pop into website for a squiz. This whole "what to feed your dog" topic is quite a big one, with a lot of research involved. I appreciate the steer in the right direction.

Thanks heaps.

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I like Eagle Pack or Royal Canin especially as i find it the least allergenic of all foods for my dogs. I also add chicken frames/wings and lamb flaps to the mix for their teeth.

Just watch the protein you have a large breed dog and you need something made for a large breed puppy.

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Thanks everybody, I think I'll go with the Eagle Pack after she's been with me a week or two. I think I'll throw in the odd chicken neck and meaty bone and the odd bit of vegi just to make sure she's getting some fresh natural goodness too.

How fast or slow do you think I should wean her off supercoat onto the Eagle pack?

I'm just soooo glad I've finally come to a decision. Phew!

Now I feel obliged to take a good look at my cats diet... he's always been on royal cannin... now I'm not too sure....here we go! :rolleyes: ...

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