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Are Hiccupping Puppies Prone To Bloat


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My 12 week old GSD pup hiccups a couple times a day - I realise this is nothing to worry about in itself ... but I was "very rudely" informed by a woman outside the vet clinic last night that pups that hiccup are more prone to bloat?

Is there really any connection between hiccupping and bloating?

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I've never heard of it! Hiccups are a good sign, i thought? Puppies/babies hiccup inside the womb to prepare the body for breathing... From what i know it's something that just carries on and reasons aren't really known. A bit like yawning. Either way, certainly not odd for a puppy to get hiccups! When we got Fletcher i was sooo excited to see/hear puppy hiccups again, it was something i'd totally forgotten from Hugo's puppyhood!

Edit: there are sooo many possible causes/reasons for bloat and from what i've heard, no ones really sure. I know of some that believe it can be in some lines, and not others, making it a possible hereditary/structure thing... ?

Edited by Bindii
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