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Oh that Kong stuffing in a can

I was put off by the fact they had puppy flavoured :o

I totally got the wrong idea there

Ive never tried it though. Perhaps it's good.

I put the Kong Ziggies in her kong. They are solid but chewey things, with little bits of mint to freshen the breath.

IMO they smell like fish. My first husky Didge hated her Kong and the ziggies, what a waste of money. But Esky loves the things. She's even dug up year old ziggies in the yard.

(yeah apparently they don't bio degrade ) So if you want to try them out don't buy a whole pack first up. If Mya hates them it can be a huge waste of money.

Kongs can be filled with anything you can think up, so don't feel too limited. I find some of thier cookies and pastes excessively expensive.

Treat balls are good too to keep your dog occupied when your not around. (particularly if you don't feed them before going out)

As far as food goes it all depends on what kind of diet you want to follow. I like to feed raw foods. But I still have kibble and organic bickies on hand for treats.. I don't want to be giving out raw chicken rewards every time she gets a behaviour right

If your looking at feeding raw food, have a look around here for some advice. I can also give you some links for that if you are interested. I've only introduced Esky to poultry and a little bit of fish so far. Lamb and pork are a bit expensive for me at the moment and I don't want to overload her system with too many kinds of meat at once/.

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Mya I've got another great resource you would probably like

It's a PDF file so i can't post it here

PM me your email address and I'll send it to you

I have just PM'd you the email - thanks for all your advice - its been really helpful

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Hi All

So far my only issue is the constant biting. I have tried using a strong No command and replacing object of her attention (usually my hand or foot :o ) with a toy or puppy bone. She has gotten a lot better since introducing these other distractions. Does anyone have any recommendations on whether this is a breed specific trait or whether it is simply a 'puppy' thing that I need to continue to train her not to do?

Your feedback or comments are greatly appreciated.

Hi Mya,

My only experience is my three days with my 9 week old Aussie Terrier but from that limited experience I would say it is a puppy thing! He will bite anything within reach (and try for things that aren't!!!). Like you I have just trying to ensure he is biting the right things, i.e. dinner and chew toys.

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