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Introducing An 8 Month Puppy To My Dogs.

Crazy Daisy

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Hi everyone,

For those that don't know I have a 4 year old Shih Tzu Daisy and a 15 month old shepherd ridgeback x Ruff, both are desexed. On Thursday we are getting another family member :( He is an 8 month old Golden Retriever named Freddy coming up from NSW. He is a show dog from the breeder of my beautiful boy Ronin (who passed away 2 years in May). He has had heaps of interaction with other dogs and been to quite a few shows where he was socialised a lot.

My two are very dog friendly. We have had dogs over to play but none that have then stayed. I have introduced puppies to existing dogs but never an 8 month old. Will it be much different?

Ruff is overly affectionate to other dogs. He is a kisser and will lick any dog from head to toe. He is really hyper around other dogs and will play and run for hours if I let him.

What is the best way to introduce them? Ruff and Daisy sleep in the dog run off the laundry should I crate the puppy somewhere else to sleep or let him sleep with them? I am home most of the day but will have to do the school run, should I take him with me?

I want to do everything I can to start them off on the right foot.

Thanks in advance

Edit: Forgot the rules, must post photos :)



Edited by Crazy Daisy
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first things first, at 8 months of age your new dog is no longer a puppy in the eyes of other dogs. So puppy license has run out. I would separate when you are not there to supervise for a few days as Freddy may not be used to or like a dog who is all over him like Ruff may be. Also be careful if the two dogs do get on like a house on fire and rumble and tumble for ever, Daisy might get hurt in the melee.

Freddy is ;) Good luck

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