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  1. Sorry Molly had a bad time of it. I must admit I have never used any heartworm injection just monthly tabs which I actually give 6 weekly and have done so for years. I read up on the lifecycle of mozzies etc before coming to this decision. Once my dogs turn 10 I stop the heartworm meds. I rarely vaccinate either once past puppy shots and their first adult booster.
  2. vaccinate I mean you can have a tray of disinfectant at your door that you can walk through and strip off clothes before coming in but it's all a bit extreme. I don't vaccinate after the basic puppy shots and the 15 month old booster unless I suspect the dogs were going into kennels. Then they get vaccinated. One of my 10 yo's last vaccination was nearly 4 years ago. She won't be getting another one. Those symptoms also apply to a lot of other things.
  3. sorry but some of that is just stupid. No one with any brains would let any dog out of it's crate without getting a lead on it. Yeah it happens, we all hear the stories of lost dogs at airports but a Greyhound thinking it was in a starting box?? Same as a dog losing a nail and being in a pool of blood. Nell lost a nail yesterday from SLO, if she had been in a crate she would have been in a pool of blood and I wouldn't have had to spend 30 minutes cleaning all the blood off the floors. And the dogs not rehomed and living in industrial kennels? Breeding dogs on the main. Not a lot different to a lot of ANKC dogs who live in a kennel environment. Not saying there are not bad people in the sport but give us real examples not hysterical rantings of one person.
  4. need a whole bucket of salt to view that list
  5. FFS would you let your dog wander around in Africa and hope he is not taken by a wild animal? No so why let them loose in dingo territory? I feel sorry for the dingo's, 22kg is a large target. I wonder how the hunting is there at the moment.
  6. you are replying to a post made in January. Bit late for a possibly ill pup don't you think?
  7. @Ramesh so what's your background in dogs? You are answering a lot of posts, mostly old posts. Are you a troll/AI or an actual person?
  8. Phoebe getting back first
  9. poor little giraffe
  10. the aftermath
  11. Rose turns 7 today and has been with me 5 months tomorrow. Has totally destroyed her stuffed toy and I put her new ball away after play or it would go the same way
  12. Well you would actually if there was a chance of producing pups that go blind, or pups that would be dead before 12 months if you breed the wrong adults together. My breed for example has a disease that affected pups would be dead by 12 months if not sooner. Luckily we have a very active overseas group who got onto it very soon and it was a simple gene to trace.
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