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Muscle Wastage


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I am desperate for some advise....

Just taken my boy Rico to the vets for xrays. They've come back showing muscle wastage (quite bad) in his front leg. The advise and Rx from the vet was complete rest (no walks or exercise!) for 6 months and a weekly injection to promote healing. I've asked around for advise on products or a specific diet to help him out but have come up trumps... The no exercise is tricky as prior to this he's walked everyday (and loves it!) and he has a sister whom he play fights with all day..... He is only 18months old, full of beans and loads of character... and charm...

I'm told more than likely this started from a nerve impingemnet, that gradually weakend the muscle.

I was told today that pedigree can food was good, why they could not say, i've never given them can food before and to be honest i really don't want to start.

If anyone has any ideas or advise i would really appreciate it.


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one would think that if he had muscle wastage they would have referred you to a physio, how is the muscle supposed to build back up without the proper exercise, to build it back up... a physio could give you specific things to do to help build the muscle in the area that needs it.... a top physio that i have heard of is Toni Lynch is in Maleny but have no contact details unfortunately

As for tin food - no way it can be good for your dog... a good quality premium dry food and raw is always best IMO...

there are some homeopathic remedies that can be used to help repair and heal muscle, visit www.healwithease.com have a chat with these guys and am sure they can help you out, i use these remedies regularly with all my dogs with great results...

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I'd say get a second opinion. He will not build muscle if he has NO exercise at all. Seeing a physio is a good idea also. Perhaps try to get a definitive diagnosis- if it is a nerve impingement, it needs to be released or else no recovery will happen.

What is the injection?

Did the vet seriously recommend canned PAL? It is not good for your dog to be on long term and any vet should know that.

Perhaps someone in your area could recommend a good vet to get a second opinion from.

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I'll be more thorough....

He had started limping about 5 months, after a visit to the vet (a locum as mine was away) she gave him anti-inflamms, said to take it easy and he'll come right. After a couple of weeks, and no improvement i took him to a guy in Pallara who specialises in spinal rx for canines this guy was brillant (although Rico didn't think so..) and soooooo much cheaper, his limp was gone in a few days. I rested him for 2-3 weeks and back out on the streets we went..

He started limping again about 2-3 weeks ago, again, gradually getting worse.

I decided to have xrays because i thought it may be something a wee bit more sinister and i wanted to fund my vets next holiday...

It was a physio (for humans) who suggested the nerve impingement, however it was just a guess-timate. i'm inclined to agree as Rico's usually up to something and his paws where they shouldn't be :) I'm told there is only 1 or 2 phyiso for canines in brissy??

It wasn't the vet who suggested pedigree. And i whole heartidly agree that canned food is crap... Good for laxitives hey..hmm i'll remember that one..

I have him booked in again at Pallara but this guy is pretty popular and we can't get in for a while, so i thought i would just ask you guys...


Rico & Carley

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???? if your dog already has muscle wastage how will resting him for a period of time help this??? You need to get in contact with a qualified animal physiotherapist I can give you some details of Animal physio's in Queensland if you like, they will be able to give you specific exercises to help with the fore limb and I would strongly suggest Underwater Treadmill as this will allow your dog to strengthen in an enviroment that is low impact.

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If he's got muscle wastage, he's not using the leg like he should be and you need to find out why. The idea of resting would be to help the injury/problem that is making him reluctant to use the leg, not to help the muscle wastage.

I'd want a second opinion - find out where the pain is stemming from, eg muscular, or within the joint, and go from there.

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