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Oh No - Ds Dogz Game

The Ark

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My 5yo is playing his DS and has the Dogz game. All innocent, I thought, as I spelt out the name he wanted for his dog, and he clicked his way through it.......

But then it says on the screen: "Today we are going to a special place. Where, you ask?" THE PETSHOP!!! That is where their cute little puppies come from!

He has just had a very quick reinforcement that the petshop is NOT where puppies come from!! :)

This is how it starts! No going to a breeder or a shelter - the Petshop!

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Also Petz - My Dogz Family - which is another DS game - the dogs fall in love and they have puppies - so my daughter had her Golden Retriever and her Husky having a puppy - which was a Golden Retriever apparently :)

So we had the big talk about puppy farms and puppy farmers and how you don't just breed any 2 dogs together :)

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I love my Nintendogs game and recommend it. The puppy needs daily fresh water and food, positive reinforcement, walks and responds badly if you yell at it or neglect it.

What I find more revolting is the DS games for girls 'My Fashion Idol' 'MakeUp Queen' 'Imagine cheerleader' 'Imagine Babies'. Yah, because that's all life is about for 9 year old girls; hair, makeup, sexy dancing and having babies.

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Also Petz - My Dogz Family - which is another DS game - the dogs fall in love and they have puppies - so my daughter had her Golden Retriever and her Husky having a puppy - which was a Golden Retriever apparently :cry:

So we had the big talk about puppy farms and puppy farmers and how you don't just breed any 2 dogs together :shrug:

My daughter has the same game and was telling me it doesnt give you the option to desex. She said oh my dogs have had puppies again but I can't desex them? LIke you are saying KelpieHoundMum weird X's that result in pure breed dogs.....

My daughter knows the reality as we foster rescues but for those that dont its not right. What really got my hackles up was the bit that when you dont want your dog anymore you give it to a foster carer :rofl: In the things you have to do in this game to care for your play dogs there is no vaccinating, worming, desexing ect and this game is backed by the RSPCA??? :mad

Edited by Cazstaff
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My daughter came in last night really upset because one of her puppies went to foster care :shrug: - she didn't send it I don't think - it just went because there were too many puppies in the puppy pen - and she is getting quite upete because she cant stop the 'love' and the puppies - and she has too many puppies now.

She has stopped playing it now because it won't stop breeding them

Edited by KelpieHoundMum
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Sims 2 has a Pets expansion pack

Creating a dog/cat is a lot like when you create a Sim, so you can play around with how your pet looks, and it's temprement. There is actually a pretty decent list of breeds you can chose from, but I whish there were more toy breeds.

There are cross breeds in the list you can chose from.

Gameplay: the pets can't interact with the sims much, only beg for attention/food, it's one of the things I dont like about it. Their owners have to housebreak the pets, teach them commands and tricks, manage their pets behaviour. From what I remember, if the pets aren't taken care of they are taken to the shelter.

I hope that EA releases a pets expansion pack for sims 3, with some improvements.

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