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Stitch Has Had A Lump Removed


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My boy Stitch had developed a lump which was originally diagnosed as fatty tissue.

Over the last few months it grew , we took him back to the vets last Friday and after a

needle aspiration which showed some cells that the vet wasn't too happy about we were advised to

get it removed asap.

So Monday morning Stitchy was booked in for surgery which went well :rofl:

After the operation the vet advised as he had beforehand he was pretty certain that that it was a

Mast Cell tumour, but until the results are back we won't know exactly what we are dealing with.

I'm finding the not knowing part is absolutely driving me crazy!! Took him back to the vets this morning for a

check up hoping the results would be in :D Now we were told hopefully this afternoon even tomorrow.

Should this worry me even more?

Anyway Stitch is doing well he has one huge cut that is luckily, considering its position is healing nicely :laugh:

He is happy within himself and getting back to normal. The hard part now is keeping him quiet til he has healed properly :D

Please keep my boy in your thoughts and send positive thoughts his way , I love this guy with all my heart :D



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Yes it's very hard not knowing especially when you love them so much, completely understand, my other dogs had some lumps removed but were all ok. Where was the lump?

Try to be positive and hope all is well.

Stitch is in my thoughts xox :laugh:

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