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Revised Vic Legislation


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The Victorian Domestic Animal Act has an exemption section (section 20) which includes dogs working livestock, dogs being shown, etc. and also dogs while being trained for or is participating in obedience trials or classes, retrieving game, hunting or some other customary sporting activity and is under the effective control of a responsible person.

A different section, in regards to council's ability to enforce leash laws etc., USED to point to section 20 as circumstances where dogs were exempt.

In the revised Act I can no longer find this section and section 20 now seems to read that the exemption is PURELY about the need to wear registration tags.

So your dog can herd sheep without council tags but must be on-leash???

Surely this omission in the revised Act has serious consequences for obedience and agility clubs who train in council parks that are designated on-lead.

Have I missed something in the revised Act or have the State govt stuffed up? (and if so, is it just an accidental omission or deliberate?)

Advice needed as my incorporated dog club is being harassed by Council about working off-lead and, what's more, they want us to register as an "animal business" under the Act.

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Without knowing the legislation but surely the legislation re being on lead only applies to dogs in public places and not dogs on private property?

ETA - I just looked at the Act and cannot see any mention re enforcing of leash laws etc- what section are you looking at?

Edited by Danois
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Danois = the issue is that most clubs train in council parks. There USED to be a section about councils' ability to make bylaws re leashes etc. but saying in certain circumstances (section 20) dogs were exempt. Now the section about leash exemptions pointing to section 20 is no longer there (as far as I can see). You can't see the section about leash laws cos it no longer seems to be there!

This has SERIOUS repercussions for dog clubs operating lessons and trials in public parks.

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I really think you are getting wound up for no reason

If the council was going to make you put dogs on lead then why would they grant a licence to use a park for trials/ classes etc :(

cos we pay them a permit fee :|

and not 'was' - 'is' - they are arguing it is an onlead park so all dogs should be onlead. As I said, training clubs used to be exempt from council law, but the provision has disappeared.

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Without looking it up and presuming these are the new laws that were recently passed shoved through in Victoria in spite of clear and reasonable objection, then this is the way I understand it :

If you're out in public/on public land (regardless of whether you have your dog on-lead or off-lead) then your dog must be wearing its Council registration tag.

Even if you have your dog's Council registration tag on you but not on the collar (because perhaps you are working off a training collar which of course you don't leave on when the dog isn't training/supervised), that's not good enough - you still stand to be fined $240.00. It's also not good enough that the Council Officer can check (using one of those hand held iPod looking things) that your dog's registration is indeed current. If the tag is not on the dog's collar you still stand to be fined $240.00.

The only exemption to this requirement is if you have run your dog around the show ring in a Dogs Victoria sanctioned event at least once in the preceding 12 months.

Stupid, stupid, unnecessary, wasteful, discriminatory and did I say "stupid" ..... law. Amongst many.

Edited by Erny
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I really think you are getting wound up for no reason

If the council was going to make you put dogs on lead then why would they grant a licence to use a park for trials/ classes etc :(

Ahhhhh ..... now see, Danois - you are making the mistake of thinking there must be some reasonable logic in the minds of the law-makers.

The only benefit of this law will be for the Councils who fine you for not having a tag. Dogs Victoria did a deal with the Government because they don't like tags on their dogs' collars in shows and in fact because many don't like collars on full stop because it ruins the dogs' coats.

I don't like collars on at home for safety reasons - but safety and well-being of the animal doesn't count for anything.

Edited by Erny
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Yes erny = we can still train/trial our dogs without rego tags but it all must be done on lead unless in a designated off lead park.

Wonder what the duck shooters and their retriever dogs make of all this.

and watch out any farmer who wants to move their stock across a public road to the next paddock - have to put those herding dogs onlead!

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The cynical part of me thinks "ah they found a new way to make money how nice" but I don't know. It is a concern because dog clubs are actually important and we need them. Has your club contacted the mayor of your area about this? KK which club is this or what area is the club in? Has your club contacted the VCA?

Southern and the clubs at KCC will be fine as they are all on privately owned property but the vast majority of obedience and sporting clubs in this state (and indeed this country!) run their activites on public land and are staffed by volunteers and run comps to help keep the clubs going. If the laws have been changed that is going to cause problems.

If it is the case that it is now illegal to have dogs off lead at anytime unless it's a leash free park and that dogs clubs are now expected to be registered businesses we are in trouble. I know most people will roll their eyes at that comment but it is true. Dog clubs are not businesses they are sporting clubs, the last thing this country needs is anything that discourages sporting clubs and there for makes it less likely that people will go out and get some healthy exercise. Obedience clubs teach the average dog owner how to train their dogs, have fun with them and it means the dogs are far more likely to get out and about and socialised.

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It's a new development natsu. There's actually been a dog club there for years but we've recently turned it into a new all-breeds club. I really don't know why this has come up now. The ranger approached the secretary a while ago about the off-lead work and we got back to him citing section 20 as giving us an exemption under the Act. He just got back to us again this week saying section 20 only applied to rego tags. This was also where he came up with the idea we had to be registered under the Act as an "animal business" but that Council would let us have that for little or no charge (we already pay park permits). We are an incorporated club.

I went back thru the Act to find the section which I know WAS there about leash laws and pointing to section 20 as exempt situations so we could give him that section of the Act. But I can no longer find that section. Thus this thread. Is it just me or has the section gone?

The Act is the revised version (Sept 2010) so if anyone has access to the earlier version...

I have contacted my local State MP asking what the story is - but of course no reply yet. I can try dogs vic next week.

I really want to know what happened to the Act.

But yes - if this is all correct it has serious repurcussions for ALL dog sports and working dogs whenever they are on public land.

Edited by KismetKat
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My guess is that it has something to do with the Dangerous dog laws they recently brought in.

I can't see how being an all breeds club as opposed to a dog club would suddenly mean your club is a business. It makes no sense.

Good luck with it please let us know how it goes.

This might get more attention in the training forums it certainly needs more.

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No I don't think it's that just that it's something that mostly will affect dog sports and sporting clubs (show dogs stay on lead and the average person who isn't interested in dog sports won't really see the problem). Most of the people who would be interested don't come in here so much. I don't think people in general really see or worry about flow on effects of things.

I get you though KK. I've been interested in obedience since the late 80's. The world does not need more untrained dogs and not everyone wants or can afford private training. Dog clubs provide education and a support and social network that is really important for novice owners.

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I get you KK. The 'reasonable" part of my brain says not much was known about the subject by those who wrote the laws ---- but the cynical, paranoid side thought "uh hu" and I can see exactly how it will all go.

Yep, you will get more response in the training section.

Good Luck with it. All owners need to be vigilant and be prepared to stick together and ensure their point is understood.

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