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I Gave Pippi Her First Haircut


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And man was she not impressed LMAO

Neither is the daughter obviously, and I quote "Mum, you made Pippi look ugly" LMAO

Pippi is a scruffy wee dog (see pic below), and she gets gunk caught in the hair under her eyes, and she gets little mini dreads on top of her head as well as has hair that flops down into her eyes.

We gave her a flat top and trimmed the hair where the gunk gets caught.

I have to say, I think she looks even more gorgeous because now we can see her lovely two tone eyes (she has a black pupil, obviously, but then she has a ring of really dark brown and then a ring of light brown).

Pippi wasn't impressed however, rushing off and staring at us like we'd given her food and then taken it off her LOLOL

Anyway, pic below of the before and will have to get an after piccy tomorrow and post it.


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I realised I didn't actually have anything better to do so went and took the pics now LOL

She is on my bed though and the lighting in there is a bit crud so will have to pop a better one up tomorrow

She also hates having her picture taken and usually when she sees the camera she tucks her head away or runs off so I had to "force" her for these ones - hence she looks unhappy about it LOL



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Cute, much better to keep a hairy dogs face trimmed.

An easy was is to pull up all the hair on top of her face, from nose tip to eyes & put the scissors flat across & trim it all off, then angle the scissors away to do the corner of the eyes & trim under her chin.

If she will tolerate clippers you can just run them down the centre of her nose & trim the rest, it looks neat when done like that.

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I used to put my shih tzu's hair up in a top-knot in the shih tzu fashion - when it got too long and was in her eyes. I didn't realise I'd done it much too tight one day - and the poor love couldn't close her eyes! What a rotten Dog Mother!

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When I work my Boarding/Training dogs, I love it if the owners either have their dog's facial hair trimmed so I can see the dog's eyes, or allow the kennel's groomer to create her designer magic and have her trim it up for me. I read so much from a dog's eyes when I am training. I can manage ok with hairy faced dogs ..... it's just so much easier and more advantageous to be able to see their expressions.

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I used to put my shih tzu's hair up in a top-knot in the shih tzu fashion - when it got too long and was in her eyes. I didn't realise I'd done it much too tight one day - and the poor love couldn't close her eyes! What a rotten Dog Mother!

LMAO love it!

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Pippi is very very cute

Aww thanks, I think so too. And she has a gorgeous wee personality to match her lovely little face.

As I type this she is lying on a chair next to me "humphing" because she hasn't been receiving pats the whole time LOL

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