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Kirty, or anyone else out there who can shed some light on this query for me. I add this product to Benson's meals twice a day, because of pancreatic insufficiency. There are times, as it was this morning, that he didn't want to have his breakfast. Usually, after about 30 minutes, I throw it out because of the Enzyplex. How long can I safely leave it to be able to offer him food later? I have googled and there is no answer, except to say to leave it for 10 - 15 minutes to allow the predigestive enzymes to start acting. When he does eat, he has a fantastic appetite and the enzymes are helping him to retain his weight. I think without the product, he would be skin and bones.

Anybody know?

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My understanding of Enzyplex is that it is a proteolitic enzyme replacement. Proteloitic enzymes are required to breakdown proteins in the gut.

Without them the animal (including us) will not be able to absorb as much of the nutrients in the food as normal. With pancriatitis - the pancreatic enzymes leak into the gut - "killing" the gut enzymes and attacking and destroying the gut itself. You can replace this with papaya or pineapple both of which contain proteolitic enzymes - but talk to your vet first - the dosage I'm not sure about...

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