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Silly People Doing Stupid Things? Vent!


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I think people just don't use their brains sometimes.

A good friend of mine was at my house last week, and she loves dogs and wants to own two or three when she gets her own place with a garden, but hasn't had a dog since she was a kid.

Gus is nearly 8 months old now, with a fine set of bull-breed jaws on him, and he was lying on the floor gnawing on a pig's ear. Now, my dog is a soft sack if ever there was one - he's friendly, never makes strange and loves attention. STILL though, my friend approached him while he was eating, hunkered down on the floor beside him and patted him on the head while he was lying there chewing his pig's ear.

I nearly died.

Not because I was worried for her safety - she could have stuck her hand in his mouth and taken the pig's ear off him and he would've just looked at her to say 'oh hey, can I have that back?' More that I was astonished that anyone would do that to a dog full stop, whether or not they knew them. Interestingly, when I told my 77 year old mother the story, she gasped in horror when I got to the part about my friend hunkering down to pat the dog on the head, and justabout all my mum knows about dogs is one end has teeth and the other has a wag.

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Yes people can be complete idiots around dogs. My most recent experience was a few months ago when I was walking Spence in the CBD. We were walking along Swanston St heading to Flinders St. Station and Spence was just plodding along not really paying attention to anything around him. Suddenly this guy side-steps into our path and starts man-handling my dog, patting and rubbing him on the head and face really roughly. I was gobsmacked and said, "Can you stop patting my dog like that" and the guy goes, "what a great dog" and walks off. WTF??

It was actually 'lucky' that the guy approached head on rather than from behind. Spence is very tolerant of people touching his head, but does not like people messing with his backside. If the guy had come up from behind and started patting Spence on the bum, he probably would have been snapped at.

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Anyone got a link to pictures of these vents?

Hi Esky,

Here is a quick one I found. You can probably get them from a lot of good pet shops (ie: the ones who don't sell animals just products).


You can often find them in $2 shops. The Warehouse (or what used to be called that, think it's had a name change?) carries them regularly.

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I think people just don't use their brains sometimes.

A good friend of mine was at my house last week, and she loves dogs and wants to own two or three when she gets her own place with a garden, but hasn't had a dog since she was a kid.

Gus is nearly 8 months old now, with a fine set of bull-breed jaws on him, and he was lying on the floor gnawing on a pig's ear. Now, my dog is a soft sack if ever there was one - he's friendly, never makes strange and loves attention. STILL though, my friend approached him while he was eating, hunkered down on the floor beside him and patted him on the head while he was lying there chewing his pig's ear.

I nearly died.

Not because I was worried for her safety - she could have stuck her hand in his mouth and taken the pig's ear off him and he would've just looked at her to say 'oh hey, can I have that back?' More that I was astonished that anyone would do that to a dog full stop, whether or not they knew them. Interestingly, when I told my 77 year old mother the story, she gasped in horror when I got to the part about my friend hunkering down to pat the dog on the head, and justabout all my mum knows about dogs is one end has teeth and the other has a wag.

Oh my :) Thats what I was thinking even the least dog savvy people tend to know that dogs can/will bite, yes those pointy white things in her mouth are teeth, they hurt :mad

Keira wouldn't carry on if someone tries to take her food or bone but still wouldn't be keen on having someone do that. That's shocking to say the least!

Yes people can be complete idiots around dogs. My most recent experience was a few months ago when I was walking Spence in the CBD. We were walking along Swanston St heading to Flinders St. Station and Spence was just plodding along not really paying attention to anything around him. Suddenly this guy side-steps into our path and starts man-handling my dog, patting and rubbing him on the head and face really roughly. I was gobsmacked and said, "Can you stop patting my dog like that" and the guy goes, "what a great dog" and walks off. WTF??

It was actually 'lucky' that the guy approached head on rather than from behind. Spence is very tolerant of people touching his head, but does not like people messing with his backside. If the guy had come up from behind and started patting Spence on the bum, he probably would have been snapped at.

Um......the weirdos you meet in the city I guess. What an idiot. I would have followed him to yell at him (or maybe I wouldn't have lol, I probably would have thought of that afterwards).

Anyone got a link to pictures of these vents?

Hi Esky,

Here is a quick one I found. You can probably get them from a lot of good pet shops (ie: the ones who don't sell animals just products).


You can often find them in $2 shops. The Warehouse (or what used to be called that, think it's had a name change?) carries them regularly.

Oh cool, see I have never bought one so wasn't sure where to get them but there ya go. I just included that link because he/she wanted a picture :)

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