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How Disappointing


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After reading the thread about Puppy farms in the In the News forum, I though I would go searching to see if there are any puppy farms in WA.............

In my search I found a rather disturbing blog here about the administrative side of RSPCA WA.....I cannot understand how this sort of thing can continue to happen. Its bad enough that shire councils behave in this manner (they seem to be a law unto themselves :laugh: ) , but when these people are supposed to be taking care of animals that are at the end of the line I just find it incomprehensible!!! WTF?????

Another disturbing thing is the high turnover of vets and nurses....These people find themselves in the situation of having to leave as they cannot do anything about the idiots above them!

Surely its time for some sort of investigation about how these bodies are run??

Over the years I have supported the RSPCA in WA and felt like I was doing the right thing....Im not so sure now ;)

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I have now learnt to check rescue organisations out, most are great, but a few become answerable to nobody but themselves.

Case in point:

Neighbour 1 repeatedly stops Neighbour 2's dog from getting hit on highway. N1 speaks to N2 about their concerns and suggests N2 should have fencing (yep you are reading correctly). N1 is quite fond of dog, offers to take dog on, N2 refuses. Ranger spots dog out again takes to a refuge which supposedly helps animals. N2 says "Na, sick of the dog, don't want it".

Neighbour 1 goes to shelter and expresses interest in adopting the dog. Dog loves people, other dogs and loves N1. Refuge does cat test with dog (who hasn't been exposed to cats). Cat on one side of pen fence dog on other, dog runs up and barks at cat through fence. Dog fails test, dog is deemed unsuitable for rehoming by two head honchos of said Refuge and dog is euthanised. N1 is devastated. N1 tells me story and it confirms what I thought of this org, run by a several militant dickheads who have driven a lot of volunteers/fosters away with their apparent meglomanic behaviour.

I will reiterate, MOST people are in rescue to make a positive difference, some are in it for their own self satisfying glory and power. That's why transparency is essential and people sometimes need to ask questions without the "How dare you question saint so & so" and so they end up a law unto themselves.

I learnt during nursing that most in health care are great, but some put on a good front and aren't nice human beings in the Nurses station away from public ears and eyes, same thing with applies with some rescue orgs.

I am now being a lot more careful where I throw my support behind. All that glitters isn't necesasrily gold.

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