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Katie P

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If the rash is fairly generalised to the shaved area most likely thing is clipper rash +/- reaction to the solution used to prep skin prior to surgery. Animals also have a rather annoying habit of overlicking or traumatising the surgery site so may also be at least in part self inflicted.

If however you are seeing redness localised to the suture line itself it is a little harder to tell as some redness and 'puckering' is not uncommon but can also indicate infection.

Generally we instruct to check daily for signs of redness, swelling, discharge and if anything concerns you to get it rechecked. This is done by a nurse so is free of charge and seems to be the norm for most clinics.

Has your boy been licking the area? If he has get an elizabethan collar on and dont take it off until stitches are removed. If you must take it off watch him as closely as you would a toddler around water - these guys can be incredibly quick and skin trauma can be significant, 'self suture removal' is a real pain to clean up and very occasionally a dog will traumatise to the point of prolapse (for want of a better word, my brain is not working too well tonight :( ).

Creams are also available from your vet (after examination) to reduce symtoms of irritation but again the e collar is essential to stop them licking it off..

BTW am assuming your dog appears well and happy, no signs of illness such as lethargy, unusual panting or inappetance. If you are seeing any of these signs definately should get checked.

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Yes he is not exhibiting any signs of lethargy etc. I suspect he is has been licking it and have told him off a couple of times for doing so. Unfort though I cannot do much about it during the day while I am at college? Only for the reason that he then cannot get through the doggy flap to go to the toilet etc and he would have no qualms about doing it on the floor which we have only just got back on track again. I can imagine he may lick it a bit.....! Is there anything else that would be effective?

Thanks so much :(

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Yes he is not exhibiting any signs of lethargy etc. I suspect he is has been licking it and have told him off a couple of times for doing so. Unfort though I cannot do much about it during the day while I am at college? Only for the reason that he then cannot get through the doggy flap to go to the toilet etc and he would have no qualms about doing it on the floor which we have only just got back on track again. I can imagine he may lick it a bit.....! Is there anything else that would be effective?

Thanks so much :(

You can try woundgard, it is a bitter spray that can be applied to the wound area. Terrible tasting stuff, I know I've tried it! Some dogs do keep licking even with it on though.

If you have seen him licking a few times he is probably doing it 10 times as much when alone and it is a vicious circle as the more they lick the more uncomfortable they get and so they lick even more.. I would try the spray, you need to apply it several times a day, but if it doesnt work you really should go the E Collar.

Can someone pop around to let him out to the toilet a few times a day, or babysit him for you? If he keeps licking he can create an infection where it didnt exist before (constant damp and doggy mouth bacteria bathing a wound..)and they can be buggers to get right, let alone if he gets those sutures out.

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Rather than use an elizabethan collar, try a Novaguard from Provizor Australia

We just bought one to trial on our dogs (handy to have it just in case). It is a cinch to put on: you assemble it, then just slip it over their head and tighten the chin strap - done! It has three score lines so that you can adjust the length of the cone and it also has a further width adjustment at the neck.

As it is not as wide as an E Collar, they can manoeuver about far easier.

Edited to add photos and video. Hope this helps.

The Novaguard Large:


Novaguard mirror image (shows how it sits on the head and the width of the fitted cone):


A quick video showing how to put it on:

Edited by Dxenion
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Rather than use an elizabethian collar, try a Novaguard from Provizor Australia

We just bought one to trial on our dogs (handy to have it just in case). It is a cinch to put on: you assemble it, then just slip it over their head and tighten the chin strap - done! It has three score lines so that you can adjust the length of the cone and it also has a further width adjustment at the neck As it is not as wide as an E Collar, they can manoeuver about far easier.

That sounds like an excellent alternative to the EC - most dogs seem to really HATE wearing an EC. I wish there was a picture of it, though.

To the OP - I would also recommend something of this nature to stop your dog licking the wound. If the wound is dry but the rash is still there, you could try "Curash" powder (for nappy rash) - I've found it to be very effective.

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