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What Would Be The "right" Thing To Do?


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Corvus goodness me who appointed you as the forum police. Threads evolve from their original topic all the time.

Excuse me, but I didn't 'put my dog in that situation' - it is an incredibly big park and we stayed away from the dog, I turned around and then turned back and Jenna was over sniffing the other dog.

And I would've gone over there and gotten her away from the Lappie.

There were about 20 other people in the dog park, do you expect us all to leave from one dog? We just went about our business staying away from the dog. The woman shouldn't have brought the dog in in the first place.

I understand where you are coming from but don't condemn ME because I wasn't even expecting Jenna to go near the dog... and yes yes 'expect the unexpected' - its happened now. Its over. jennas fine. next time someone comes into the dog park asking that sort of question I will leave.

Oh and thanks for the good wishes for jenna :rolleyes:

Well if you don't want an incident, then yes.

You did put your dog in that situation by remaining in the park.

I agree with SK here... why allow your dog to interact with a dog whose owner just told you will act aggressively and then wonder why your dog was attacked by the same dog :confused:

:doh: i didn't let me dog interact with the other dog. I took her away from the dog and then when I had my back turned she had gone up to the other dog and sniffed it.

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:doh: i didn't let me dog interact with the other dog. I took her away from the dog and then when I had my back turned she had gone up to the other dog and sniffed it.


Edited by huski
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People forget that the number of numpty dog owners outnumber the knowledgeable ones, so it is not a matter of if you dog gets attacked at a dog park, but when. I won't use them anymore as I've seen too much and it's not worth the risk to my dogs.

Risk assessment is high on my agenda caring for other people's dogs, and there is no way I would take a customer's dog into a dog park unless I was instructed to do so in writing by the owner. I wouldn't be confident that I would have any grounds to defend myself for doing so if the dog in my care was attacked and injured or the dog in my care attacked and injured someone else's dog. It's not the concept of dog parks that isn't good, it's the other owners bringing dogs to the park that present a danger to others or have no control over the dog they are exercising which concerns me.

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seriously this thread could've been wrapped up in two posts.

The staffy is at fault for rushing and then attacking unprovoked. Whether the husky has a weak nerve or not has no bearing on the staffys behaviour.

For Joe's peace of mind - say you are correct and yep the Husky is weak of nerve, does this then validate the Staffys behaviour? I would say no.

No, is not good place for dogs like the Bully at the park I agreeing on this point for sure.

What I saying for my point, is plenty people thinking is ok for having snarly dog at the park like the Husky and for my opinion snarly dog is no good either in the park becuase they can causing trouble on the growl and posture. Good solid dogs on the park with no reactivity you never having fights. But snarly growl and posturing dogs should not be in the park either because any aggressive response is only steps away from engaging in the fight or causing fight.


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:doh: i didn't let me dog interact with the other dog. I took her away from the dog and then when I had my back turned she had gone up to the other dog and sniffed it.


omg. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: CALLLMMM down. its over aye - and I know what to do next time this situation arrises. get OVER it. I have? geez.

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omg. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: CALLLMMM down. its over aye - and I know what to do next time this situation arrises. get OVER it. I have? geez.

You know what to do next time? Really? Considering you have no comprehension of what you did this time that led to your dog getting attacked, I find that hard to believe.

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omg. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: CALLLMMM down. its over aye - and I know what to do next time this situation arrises. get OVER it. I have? geez.

You know what to do next time? Really? Considering you have no comprehension of what you did this time that led to your dog getting attacked, I find that hard to believe.

I DO have some comprehension of what I did this time. And I do NOT have to explain myself to you. Im sure you've made mistakes in your life. very quick to judge, you are.

and again.. I say... get. over. it.

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I have made plenty of mistakes with my dogs but I always look at them as an opportunity to learn something. You've argued with everyone in this thread who've tried to explain to you how that incident could have been prevented.

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I have made plenty of mistakes with my dogs but I always look at them as an opportunity to learn something. You've argued with everyone in this thread who've tried to explain to you how that incident could have been prevented.

ffs. If you have read ANY of my other threads you will see that I take on EVERYTHING that EVERYONE says to me. I take it on board and I think about how I can do things better with and for my dogs. They are the most important things with me.

I was not meaning to argue - I simply wanted to state my point as to what I did because it seemed to me that people weren't understanding the situation, whether that was from the fact they didnt read my posts or whether that was because I didnt explain myself properly (which I often dont).

And that is FINE how it could've been prevented... but its already happened... and clearly next time I am in that situation I will take my dogs out of the park in order to avoid that situation.

Instead of you sitting there saying that 'u find it hard to believe' maybe you should actually LISTEN when people say that they are going to do something differently next time.

TBH it's all well and good to say how it could've been prevented but what good is it unless it happens again? Hyperthetically speaking, what if a dog got into a fight and died? would you sit there and say 'oh you SHOULD'VE done this'? If you did, I would be surely p**sed off. I dont want to hear about how I SHOULD'VE done something, just what i SHOULD do next time.

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For anyone who is interested in the original topic :p

The husky is doing well, she has shaved patches in a few places where there where puncture wounds. The damage was, (according to the vet) much less severe than it would have been on a dog with less coat. The owners of the other dog have yet to show up again

Heres a photo I took of the husky girl a while back. She is a really lovely dog, flirts with riddick and ricky and does these hilarious barrel rolls.


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Not everything - people have asked you before to refrain from using capitalised words in your posts as it is considered rude and is seen as shouting in forum speak...

bull s**t. no one has ever told me that and if they have then I haven't read that post? And it isn't yelling, it is emphasising. but i am sooooooo sorry. I will try to italicise everything now just to make you happy. and as said earlier on by someone 'who made you the forum police'. God. Im just trying to get my point across.

and I have no idea what that 'not everything' comment was for???

Oh, and I think majority of the time, a lot of people are rude on here. A LOT of the time. you don't see me getting up them.

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For anyone who is interested in the original topic :p

The husky is doing well, she has shaved patches in a few places where there where puncture wounds. The damage was, (according to the vet) much less severe than it would have been on a dog with less coat. The owners of the other dog have yet to show up again

Heres a photo I took of the husky girl a while back. She is a really lovely dog, flirts with riddick and ricky and does these hilarious barrel rolls.


absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! :) so glad she is well!!!

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Not everything - people have asked you before to refrain from using capitalised words in your posts as it is considered rude and is seen as shouting in forum speak...

bull s**t. no one has ever told me that and if they have then I haven't read that post? And it isn't yelling, it is emphasising. but i am sooooooo sorry. I will try to italicise everything now just to make you happy. and as said earlier on by someone 'who made you the forum police'. God. Im just trying to get my point across.

and I have no idea what that 'not everything' comment was for???

Oh, and I think majority of the time, a lot of people are rude on here. A LOT of the time. you don't see me getting up them.

If you want people to take you seriously then listen to the advice because it is considered yelling to use caps. I did actually see you get up someone last week, you called someone a name that I won't repeat. I hope you have taken on board though the comments on dog parks and how risky things can be, especially since your own dog was attacked. Personally if someone told me that their dog attacks others I would have left the park immediately with my dogs on lead, I'm am glad your dog wasn't hurt though.

You can learn a lot here but you need to calm down a bit and read what people are saying instead of taking it as an attack.

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Not everything - people have asked you before to refrain from using capitalised words in your posts as it is considered rude and is seen as shouting in forum speak...

bull s**t. no one has ever told me that and if they have then I haven't read that post? And it isn't yelling, it is emphasising. but i am sooooooo sorry. I will try to italicise everything now just to make you happy. and as said earlier on by someone 'who made you the forum police'. God. Im just trying to get my point across.

and I have no idea what that 'not everything' comment was for???

Oh, and I think majority of the time, a lot of people are rude on here. A LOT of the time. you don't see me getting up them.

If you want people to take you seriously then listen to the advice because it is considered yelling to use caps. I did actually see you get up someone last week, you called someone a name that I won't repeat. I hope you have taken on board though the comments on dog parks and how risky things can be, especially since your own dog was attacked. Personally if someone told me that their dog attacks others I would have left the park immediately with my dogs on lead, I'm am glad your dog wasn't hurt though.

You can learn a lot here but you need to calm down a bit and read what people are saying instead of taking it as an attack.

Thank you very much jo. I really appreciate your explanation. I didnt realise it was considered yelling when caps - I have always used caps as an emphasis but I will take that advice on board - thank you!

I did call someone something but I had only heard it once or twice from my OH and I honestly didn't realise it was an offensive word, I honestly thought it was just another word for a s**t stirer. Wont make that mistake again!!

And you dont need to hope whether I take things on board. I always always take peoples advice and opinions on board (even if I hate what I am hearing ;)) because I know there are people who have much more experience than me on here.

And it is difficult not to take some things as an attack. I am learning though. But I do get extremely defensive, especially when I feel that people aren't listening to me.

But thank you anyway! :)

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Oh, and I think majority of the time, a lot of people are rude on here. A LOT of the time. you don't see me getting up them.

Have a good look in the mirror before making further statements of that nature please Leela. A lot of folk have given you a lot of good advice since you joined here and what you seem to have given back lately that I've observed is unwarranted attitude. It's becoming rather tiresome.

If responses to your frequent requests for information and advice start to dry up in the coming weeks, you won't have to look far to find out why.

I've typed and deleted a number of responses to your posts in recent days. Very soon, I think I won't bother to do even that. Your last response is a classic example of what I'm talking about.

Even crumbly baby boomer computer users like me know that capitalising words is yelling in forum speak. Google it for yourself.

Edited by poodlefan
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Oh, and I think majority of the time, a lot of people are rude on here. A LOT of the time. you don't see me getting up them.

Have a good look in the mirror before making further statements of that nature please Leela. A lot of folk have given you a lot of good advice since you joined here and what you seem to have given back lately that I've observed is unwarranted attitude. It's becoming rather tiresome.

If responses to your frequent requests for information and advice start to dry up in the coming weeks, you won't have to look far to find out why.

I've typed and deleted a number of responses to your posts in recent days. Very soon, I think I won't bother to do even that. Your last response is a classic example of what I'm talking about.

Even crumbly baby boomer computer users like me know that capitalising words is yelling in forum speak. Google it for yourself.

I have never in my life been on a forum so I didnt know that capitals are yelling. read my most recent post.

Also, I am extremelt appreciative of everyones advice and the advice that they give me - if you read the recent threads I have created you will see that you will see that I constantly thank the people for their advice. I rarely have an attitude on here, and when I do it is because I am defending myself in the best way I can.

And I didn't mean that I was saying everyone on here is rude, I prbably used the wrong words.

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And I didn't mean that I was saying everyone on here is rude, I prbably used the wrong words.

You say that a lot. All I can say is wait 10 minutes before posting and reread before you do. As a journalist, you know better than anyone how powerful (and misleading) words can be.

Your response to someone pointing out that the use of capitals being "yelling" was "bulls**t". You then switched to italics for a healthy dose of sarcasm. That's attitude coming from someone who now admits she didn't know one way or the other about that.

Stop taking every post that disagrees with you personally and you'll find it a far less antagonistic place to be. So will I. :)

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