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Leaving Pup Alone


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Hi all I'm about to get a cocker spaniel and I plan to take a week off work to let him settle in, but I'm not sure if he will be okay at home he will be in the laundry and has access to outside, I only work 6 hrs and my boyfriend comes in and out of home all day and I work most nights so really he will not be left alone for the whole 6 hrs. Will he be okay? I plan to teach him in the week that I get off to be left alone slowly oh and he will have toys to play with

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Hi Atanquin, I have two cocker spaniels. We got Monte nine months ago, Ivy is a new addition.

When we got Monte I spent a few days at home with him, and over those days whilst it was about settling him in and bonding, I also went out a few times for short periods, so he knew what it was like being on his own. They tend to sleep most of the day anyways, Monte spent his time either in the garage passed out on his bed, or playing with his toys in the garage or yard. We also hid treats in the yard for him to go find throughout the day.

The other thing we did with Monte was take him for a walk in the morning, as he didn't seem as concerned when I left to go to work as he was more than exhausted. We've kept that going with having two, because whilst they are company, the exercise is good for everyone and they get to get out of the yard and explore different things.

You'll find your new puppy will be fine, its just an adjustment. Cockers love company, so just make sure when you are home that the puppy can be with you. Monte and Ivy just stalk us around the house and yard when we're home, not so much to play but just for the human company. We try not to fuss too much over them when we first get home, so it doesn't overexcite them each time we return.

I would love to see photos :)

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Hi Atanquin. Congratulations on your new pup, I second the request for photos :)

You may find you are more worried about it than he is. A week is a good amount of time to be with him to settle him in. Get some toys and things to occupy him while you are not home. I feed my puppy in creative and time consuming ways while I'm away from home. I think that would help him look forward to be left as it equals food.

I use:

- Empty toilet rolls with kibble inside and the side squished.

- Empty plastic bottles with holes and kibble inside.

- Freeze containers of water and various yummy foods. Then leave the chunk of ice outside when I leave.

I was worried about leaving my new puppy home alone, so much so I was nagging my husband to set up web cams so I could check on him at work :laugh: Now, I get home from work and he's playing in the sand pit having a great time.

Melinda is right, don't fuss when you return or when you leave.

Good luck :)

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Sorry I should have added Monte wasn't walked until two weeks after his final needle so his immunity built up.. But instead I just played fetch with him or just played with his other toys so he was tired for those initial weeks, and also started basic training and getting him used to walking in a collar and lead.

One thing that you may find your puppy will love is a treat ball with some dry kibble in it, our dogs love chasing it across the yard, I think more so because it makes noise then it delivers food! Toilet rolls are a love in our house, empty or with paper still attached! Empty water bottles (the mount franklin ones or similar) are also a hit. We've been filling kong treat bones with greek yoghurt and they love it.

The three weeks will go so quickly!!

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