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Feeding Raw

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I just wanted to say :thanks: - esp to you readysetgo - I took your advice re changing my Labs food and got in touch with the Fresh Meat Store and of course went completely mad and ordered in bulk to fill my new chest freezer...

So got home last night and the everything was on the doorstep and i was very happy with the quality/freshness and prompt service i received.. :thumbsup:

Looking forward to giving them their roo tails once/twice weekly - they look great and will be SO much beter for them as toothbrushes than the dental sticks :) Plus so much healthier for them weight wise.....

The only thing is - I am a vego (have been for 20 yrs) and OH had to work back last night.. AND I had 10kgs bags of beef mince/roo mince/rootails/necks/carcasses to bag into weekly portions..

SO there I am at 9.00 last night up to my elbows in stinky roo mince /tails and everything else scooping out portions with my hands and trying not to :vomit:

I am usually OK with things like that and just deal with it but I by the last bag i had really and truly reached my limit...

Sigh.... the things we do for our dogs........ there is NO one else I would do that for - not even the OH :D

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Buy bulk laytex gloves I am not Vego but hate the feel of raw meat :)

Same here. I bought a pair of nice thick rubber gloves, they feel silky smooth and don't have that yucky powdery feel on the inside. The dogs know when they see the gloves that something is going on with their food :laugh:

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Buy bulk laytex gloves I am not Vego but hate the feel of raw meat :)

Same here. I bought a pair of nice thick rubber gloves, they feel silky smooth and don't have that yucky powdery feel on the inside. The dogs know when they see the gloves that something is going on with their food :laugh:

I am such a dufus :banghead:

I have a box of those latex gloves that I bought ages ago ( not too sure to this day why ) and I didn't even think of using them....

Very good idea..... might put a peg on my nose too :)

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2nd nature to me, raised in the bush, going shooting, bringing home the nights kill, skinning, cutting the meat & packing in the freezers also killing livestock on the farms, working in an Abbattors, our dogs got fed well back then when I was a kid :)

oh boy looks like I am the only one who has the stomach to handle fresh meat ( no gloves) :D

But I must admit I see human I :vomit: if you get my drift

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