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Rascal Is Home From The Vets


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Hi Rascal my chihuahua is home from the vets, he has a bowel infection and is on antibiotics. The vets want him too lose weight which i'm trying his only geting like a tablespoon of food a day and gets walked 40 minutes to 2 hours a day. The vets also gave me hills prescription diet w/d low fat-Diabetic Gastrointestinal can food. This food I'm not too keen on as the first ingredient is water,egg product,whole grain corn. This food only has 4% protein 2% fat, What does everyone think? the vets said he isn't allowed to eat anything else but this can food.

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Gave Rascal his dinner of hills prescription w/d and he wasn't that keen on it he ate it slowly. I went outside to feed buddy and Shelley the black hawk well ascal heard it and came runing wanting some. I then feed Rascal his dinner which he sniffed walked away then went back and ate it slowly.

Edited by mumtoshelley
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I would also stick with the prescription diet until he gets better. If it has only 4% protein and 2% fat then it might be good for his weight loss too. I wouldn't give him anything that might seem too rich for him at the moment. When he gets better personally I would switch him to a diet of low protein eg. raw roo meat with some bones and offal (or barf). Kibble with grains and carbohydrate seem to fatten up dogs and tbh one tablespoon of kibble is not something I would feed my dogs (type-wise and amount-wise).

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2 hours of walking a day for a chi??

Whats wrong with that Rascal my chi loves his walks he can actually walk longer then Shelley my golden retriever can. Just cause his little doesn't mean longer walks aren't good for him. I know what Rascal can handle and if he looks tired I stop and let him rest for a while, which in most cases Rascal doesn't want to stop.

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