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Urgent Advice Needed - Paralysis Tick Prognosis


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I'm a 'new' member here, well, not that new but this is my first post, just been a stalker previously :

Well, my King Charles, Melton, is at the vets in critical care been treated for tick paralysis. It caught us out this year!! Normally the dogs get clipped and treated but over winter I put them on Comfortis instead of Frontline Plus since I was interested in the new fle treatment and it wasn't suppose to be tick season. Also, I will point out that we live in part of Brisbane which doesn't have a high infestation rate of ticks and they haven't been out for walks this week as I'd been in hospital.

Anyway, Friday 3pm we rushed Melton off to hospital when my OH found him in the back yard unable to walk.

He has been at the vets now for approx 51 hours and is still in critical care. He has a tube down his throat to get oxygen into his lungs as he cannot maintain his oxygen levels breathing without assistance. He also has to get a LOT of fluid sucked out of his respiratory system which is partly regurgitation (sp?). He is on two types of antibiotics due to potential of aspirated pneumonia. There is no immediate plan at this stage to remove the tube that is helping him maintain his oxygen levels.

The vet has him classified as a 'guarded prognosis' but still reckons that it is worth persisting.

I'm just wondering at what point should we be weighing up the terrible alternative? What signs should we be waiting for?

I have spoken to the vet/s a lot and he is the best of care but I just don't know what to expect???

I would really appreciate some advice/feeback/thoughts/anything!

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My old Stafford spent five days at the vets, three of those on oxygen and not looking good after tick paralysis (tick never found but same symptoms)

She pulled through at 14 years of age so it's really hard to say how long to keep going for.

Good luck. I know it's a frightening time.

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From experience as a vet nurse Cavi's do not usually survive tick paralysis - some do but its rare and these cases are not as bad as your boy. I guess it depends on how much $$ you can afford to spend knowing he may not survive.

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