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Joint Supplement For Dog


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I realise a similar question has only been posted a couple of days ago but would appreciate the feedback. My golden retriever Ava had OCD when she was 9 months old, she had surgery for it and ever since we have had her on human glucosamine and fish oil, now after reading a few comments I realise this is not the best option, she is turning 2 in november and I would like suggestions on what to change her onto. I read that joint guard is a preventative and that glyde is a deterrant? Because of this I am wondering whether to go to glyde as she has already had issues, I know it is inevitable she will get arthritis but I want to postpone that as long as possible and give her the best chance to have a healthy, painfree life.

Also if joint guard is advisable just wondering how much is in a scoop so i can work out prices, whether it be 5g of a scoop etc

Any help would be appreciated. Also pricing does not have to be an issue if I can save for it each month to lower the final cost of buying something that would be expensive. Thanks again

Edited by SarahJ88
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Ooohh that was me categorizing the supplements. It's just my opinion (I worked for one of the manufacturer's a few years ago)

The main feedback about Glyde is the price, so if the dog isn't displaying pain then it might just be a bit overkill with some of the ingredients.

Joint Guard (IMO) has a good ratio of GAG's but people don't seem to get the pain relief from the MSM as they do the GLM in the Glyde.

If price isn't an issue then Glyde is great.

Here is another thought.....lol.... if you have your competition sport dog on Glyde and it's doing a good job of masking pain would you rather know if there is a slight injury so you can appropriately rest your dog or without knowing continue to work a dog carrying a slight injury? Sorry, me being philosophical :o

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