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Advocate Stain On Couch


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Im my infinite wisdom last night I applied Advocate on my pups neck while she was sleeping on the couch.

Then the little devil rolled over on her back to me and got it on the couch.

The couches are microfibre material and had a stain guard treatment, so I immediately grabbed a wet cloth and wiped all over and left it - like we do with any other mark on the couch.

Well this morning it was very clearly still there :( Can anyone offer any advice? (Short of buying a throw rug to casually drape over the corner like you see in a Better Homes & Gardens magazine? :laugh: )

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Thanx kelpiecuddle :) I'll give that a go now *fingers crossed*

I hadnt tried that initially as when I had to clean a spew off it, I called where I got it from and they just said warm water.

Edited by Beckybecbec
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