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Gsd Kills Toddler


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Monday 4/11/13.

A young Queensland boy has died in hospital after being attacked by his grandfather's dog on the weekend. 3 year old Korbin Sprott was attacked by the German Shepherd Dog. He had been plahykg in the front yard of the Grant Street home in Mackay when he was attacked by the dog about 6.45 pm on Saturday.

His grandfather suffered bite wounds to his forearm after he intervened.

Family and neighbours rushed to the toddler's aid trying frantically to stem the bleeding from a punctured artery in his neck. The 3 year old was rushed to Mackay Base Hospital and then on to Townsville in a critical condition.

Mackay Regional Council impounded the dog at the request of the police on Saturday night. The Mackay Daily Mercury has reported the family has since signed an indemnity form requesting the dog be put down.

Police are investigating.

This serious attack was reported in Mackay and Townsville, and nowhere else, as far as I can discover.

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