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Controlled Barking, Does It Work?


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Maybe the training isn't the problem. Maybe he does need to put something out to keep them busy as well as ignoring any noise. Can you suggest he get them a puppy kong or something?

PS - that kind of training did not work on my GSD! :laugh:

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Its been bliss these last two days with the one pup staying at their inlaws, just the Cav is there.

I don't want to be too pushy, he said they spent a fortune on Saturday at the vets on stuff , although he didn't say what they had bought.

The trainer is here Weds, so will see how it goes, and if i hear from him afterwards.

I really like him, he is a lovely guy, we have spent many half hours nattering on the street, he is irish and has a couple of big bikes, so we chat really easily. His partner is not so friendly,rather abrupt when she saw her Cav saying hello to Bonn on the drive oneday, snatched it up and marched off!

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