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Box Work ( Obedience)


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Hi guys

I'm trying to teach my dog the "box"- i have pvc pipe on the ground- just

like at dog club and she just doesnt get it.

I'm trying to keep her amused and thinking while she and my other dog are

banned from the club while they have KC.

She runs about 3 steps when i say "box" and gesture, slow sweeping movement

with my left arm, and spins and sits just outside the box to the right of

the box!( We are only doing it at the moment from about 3feet).

Can anyone help me out?


Kya and Alex

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Try picking the box pvc up a bit higher at first - so the dog has to step over it - makes it more noticeable. When the dog understands that, you can (gradually if needed) move the pvc down.

For me, I'd probably teach it with a clicker and leave off the cues until the dog is reliably offering to go into the box.

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If your dog targets you could get her targetting a piece of cardboard and gradually make it smaller or place a piece of food in the box and send her to the box when she gets there ask her to sit immediately after she has eaten the food and reward her for that also (starting off very close to the box then you gradually move back). When she is going to the box very fast, you then don't have food in the box but reward her for the sit. When she is flying to the box, spinning around and sitting on one cue, then start your jump work.




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no dogs distinguish their clicker very quickly we've never had a problem

id back chain it starting with teaching it on a box then go to a ud square heaps easier


I dont quite follow YB- can you explain it a little more please?

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sorry was tired last night ok i start with puppies using an old draw upsiide down and lure them onto it maybe just front feet first click and treat as they put their feet on build still the whole body and they are sitting then i step back a little point use whatever wors you are going to use and click for putting feet on then all abody then sit

that usually takes one of two sessions then you build some distance if they dont go straight away just wait it out they want the treat so will figure it our pretty quickly once they are going and sitting on the box from all angles from five feet away i then change over to the ud square but i raiise it so the step over the front then go back to right in front and click for feet in then whole body then sit and again build distance from all angles adding distarction at around five feet lots of rpoofing ten add more distance t

all up if your do three sessions a day and you have a foody may take three days to a week to have a dog that goes to the ud square from five feet with distraction


the other way is to teach a target to a cone or somethig then add distance till you have around five feet then add a sit after the touch and then put the target in the box but with this the dogs focus is on the target so can take longer to transfer the idea to sitting in the box whereas the oter way the dog learns to sit neatly on somthing which isnt far different from in somthing the concepts are the same

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Just a thought. As your dogs have kennel cough, keep an eye on them while training new concepts. Just like us mere humans, when not well. Some bitches in season can also act differently and high standards are not possible.

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