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Dog Incontinence

Guest Eza

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Guest Eza

I have a 2 yr old Border Collie x Kelpie Bitch.

She has been on steroids for the last 3 mths for her incontinence issue but OH isnt happy having her on them because it would be long term and hes concerned of the problems it may cause.

I have been looking into some herbal mixes and have found one (just waiting on reply for what ingredients are used).

Has anyone else got a dog on herbal mixes? What are you using?

We did had her in nappies for a while but she was so upset she would rip them off.

I believe it is related to her being desexed (done at 6 months). The vet tested her for an infection and a small one was found, she did a course of antibiotics and he retested her as clear but she still had issues. She has not been hormone tested yet as I dont have the money to get it done.

Thanks in advance


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Hi Erin,

We had an old girl that was on meds for incontinence, but I can't remember if it was steroids or not. (Nearly 10 years ago now) What I do remember though was that after a period of regular medication, we could take her off the medication and then only dose her up if she started having accidents again. I remember it often being maybe just a tablet every 2 or 3 weeks. Maybe check with a vet to see if the medication has to be regular in order for it to work, or whether you can just administer on an as needed basis?

Probably not the exact answer that you're looking for, but hopefully it helps.

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First you need to know what type of incontinence your dog has. There are two kinds and they are treated differently, so doing you own 'home remedy' might be very detrimental to your dog! If you are worried about the side-effects of the medication, talk to your vet - I'm sure your vet is more qualified than your OH. Have a look at this site http://www.vetstop.com.au/info/Incont.asp Read the information, then talk to your vet before changing your dog's medication.

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Some things to add to diet which may or may not help -

Barley - (I cook it )



Apple Cider Vinegar

I add all to the BARF mix.

Ours had/has a slight problem and I was told she would be on meds always.

She's not at the moment. Don't know if it will last or if it is a case of good luck or good management. :rofl:


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Noisy, what sort of yoghurt?

Rom & Rob, thanks for the info. The vet originally thought it was due to the muscle but Im not so sure and think it could have been hormones.

Well she has been off the steroids for 6 days with no accidents. I have changed her to a BARF diet (with Supercoat Dry). She has put weight on, she was 18kg and in 12 mths of slow diet change she is now 20kg.

I have also found out the ingredients of the incontinence if anyone is interested.


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Noisy, what sort of yoghurt?

I've just been using plain, unsweetened yoghurt - whatever is going cheap - or, if none are, I buy Bornhoffen Acidophilus as that is mt first preference. If you are really keen, Inner Health powder or capsules can be used - but I've never given them to the dog myself - but, now I think of it, maybe I should. :eek:

However, if we have fruit yoghurt going past the "use by" date, doggie gets it (I always buy the natural ones without artificial sweeteners anyway) - as she does get all "dog friendly" leftovers.


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Ahhh ok thanks for that, I will be buying dog friendly yoghurts now lol.

Just an update....day 7 no leaks :rofl:

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My old dog got incontinent after a dose of steroids, so if you do want to withdraw them from your dog you have to do it very very slowly (on vet advice) as the steroids shut down something or other in her and it took a while to start working again (sorry, terribly hazy with the terminology, it was quite a while ago). She went on human incontinence medicine (blown up her nose) and came good after that.

There are a couple of homoeopathic remedies for incontinence. Do you have an holistic vet near you who uses homoeopathy?

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my bitch became incontinent after desexing at around two years old...she was on stilbestrol and still is occasionally. Now I can put it down to after heavy exercise, then and usually only then.

When they lay down and relax completely, she wets her pants. Shes had it for four years now. No biggy. she keeps herself pretty clean.

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JackieW, I called the vet before I took her off them, they said she could just come off straight away.

Rugerfly, 8 days now and she did agility last night and no issues. I do hope that it doesnt come back but if its similar to your gals then it will only be occasionally. I had her on Urocarb.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I have an update

On the 14 May she had another accident.

We think we know what was causing it though.

She had an infection and despite the vet saying she was clear it was in hiding (Sort of went away for a while but came back). Well when it came back he never did a retested her, we looked at putting her on the steroids straight away. While on the steroids we were feeding her PASTA to bulk her up (she hadnt really been fed it before). We stopped the steroids but kept up with the pasta and she was still having issues.

We have done home tests on her and when she has a pasta meal she will then have accidents for the next 2 days. I have spoken to her vet over the phone and he believes she maybe allergic to it. To have her alergy tested is expensive and I dont have that sort of money atm. He has suggested we just done feed it to her but when we have some money to get her tested.

She hasnt had any issues for 4 weeks now and we havent fed her pasta for that long.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Sincerely hope it's just an allergy to the pasta - it's easy to withdraw from the diet. After desexing, it can cause a depletion of estrogen, which can effect the spincter muscle,which doesn't contract enough to avoid accidents etc.

We put our pet onto stibestrol?To increase the estrogen. But it didn't assist the incontenence prob etc. We went further to steriods, but after a couple of days resulted in flooding for her. (In short her incontinence probs were apart of another health prob)

Like you, was very concerned about long term damage to kidneys from the steriods etc

We used the steriods intermittantly. But as another member mentioned, not recommended to use steriods intermittantly as it's not safe to do so.Need to ween pets off steriods over a period of a month - check with vet on that etc.

In our case, due to her age, we learned to adapt to her health probs, more toilet breaks, more fibre and medications etc.

I wish you the best,


Edited by jls
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