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Border Collie Pup With Poo Fetish


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I have a 8 month old Border Collie pup. She is a lovely dog and is quite good at obedience. She unfortunately has one bad habit which is quite gross-she eats dog S*&t! I have two other dogs and they never did this. I read before that it can be a thing young pups do and then get out of it, but she is heading towards 12 months and is still doing it!! I have told her off, chastised her for doing it. I pick up the dog poo when I can but sometimes I can't pick it up straight away. I watched her yesterday, I had just fed them, she cleaned up her bowl and then wandered around picked up some poo and was going to eat it-of course I told her off. I'd really like to get her out of this habit, she is certainly well looked after, she is wormed and fed well, so I don't know why she does it! Any suggestions would be grateful! :)

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i have the same problem with my 8 month old pup.

There are products that you can get from your vet. that you can put in there food.

Ive tired putting pineapple juice in my dogs foods and that has helped a little

But i would wait sometime as a feel most dog will get out of this habbit, but with saying that there are no promises.

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