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Puppy That Licks And Licks And Bites And Licks?


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My 3.5 month old jack russel cross with bull terrier won't stop licking me and biting me. I understand the biting. My 1 year old jack russel cross did the same thing and grew out of it. But the licking drives me nuts.

How can I stop this? or is this something they grow out of too???

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Very good question, my 5mnth old jack russell does the same thing and also drives me nuts..I cant touch him without him licking and grabbng my fingers...In a way its funny but yes very anoyning...Help someone :rofl:

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Yes I agree with Peibe. Walk away, or turn around, same as when the dog is jumping.

I say "Good no licking" and "Good no jumping" and then use the no licking and no jumping command when they have learned. They are getting the hang of it (Bella does it too and she's nearly three :) )

The other thing that works well is to have your dog sit. I ask Bruno to sit before I pat him. When I reach my hand down if he sits still he gets a good pat and praise. If he moves I start again by standing still and waiting for him to sit still

I do exactly the same for putting his lead on before a walk. You need to do this every single time for dogs to learn that this is always the rule :cry:

Puppies are fun :rofl:

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keep in mind that licking is a puppie's way of submitting to a pack leader...yeah, it's not exactly the kind of attention we want....but it does confirm that we are looked on as "alphas"

...I allow my pup to lick in certain circumstances...like when he's misbehaved & want's to make up for it, but otherwise I train the "no licks" policy. It does take a while for them to get the hang of it....because they have to overide instinct :D but in my experience, positive & consistent reinforcement creates a dog that you only have to say once "no licks" and they obey :) ...just be patient & consistent :D


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