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How Do I Get Puppy To Stop Jumping On Everyone?


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Try standing on the lead. Not so you're choking him, but just so his feet can't leave the floor. Worked with Bella. Once he learns to sit on command, you could just say "sit". But until then, stand on the lead and ignore jumping. Perhaps by putting him in a room by himself until he calms down, then try again.

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Have a water pistol or small spray bottle somewhere on you, when they jump they get a spray in the face (even add a little lemon juice into it) - this way too the "punishment" is not coming from you (such as being told off) - it took about 4-5 goes with Angus and he soon got the message and now he does not jump. I found the worst time was when I came home at night after being at work - I used to leave the bottle outside the front door so I was prepared. He would get sprayed and would go sit on the couch for a minute then come over to me calmly.

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The best way to stop the jumping is to teach him a better alternative - sitting.

He' just a baby so don't expect him to be perfect for a while yet. In the interim, let him greet new people on lead - that way YOU have control.

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