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Need Help - Toilet Trained Puppy Peeing Inside

Summer's Edge

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I'm hoping someone can help! I have a 6 month old Sibe who is fully toilet trained and back in January this year as she was getting rather lonely, we introduced at 1 year old Sibe to keep her company. The pair have become great mates but they have both just recently started weeing and pooping in the house and they manage to do it without us noticing. The little one when we first got her settled in fine our room then preferred to sleep in the hallway with no dramas. In the last few months, she has taken to sleeping outside (not something we wanted) and when we put her inside to sleep to she starts whining and crying. She eventually stops and goes to sleep but we wake to find presents!!! Could she possibly be scared of the dark? Bizzare I know but the minute the light goes out, the whining begins! Because she whines, we put her outside where she proceeds to do her own thing until around 630am when she starts bashing at the door, play fighting with our other Sibe (same mother, different father) and chirping! We don't really want to crate her as I'm pretty sure that would stress her out even more. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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I would take her to the vet for a urine specific gravity test (pretty cheap - they just need a sample of urine preferable 1st one in the morning and if it can't be up at the vet in around 20 mins put it in the fridge - gross I know!). Once health issues are ruled out you can start on the other stuff. If the 2nd dog is a male he is most likely weeing where she has cause he thinks it is ok or he is marking.

Edited by heidig29
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I would take her to the vet for a urine specific gravity test (pretty cheap - they just need a sample of urine preferable 1st one in the morning and if it can't be up at the vet in around 20 mins put it in the fridge - gross I know!). Once health issues are ruled out you can start on the other stuff. If the 2nd dog is a male he is most likely weeing where she has cause he thinks it is ok or he is marking.

Thanks, both females and it's the pair of them doing it though. I don't think it's a health issue, I think maybe behavioural? The older one did both inside this morning and the younger one did wee again last night! When she was younger, she pee'd inside 4 times in one day and found that everytime she pee'd it was either because we were eating or we were paying attention to the cat. She stopped doing it and then started having accidents when she got really excited - now, she has accidents when really excited and for reasons unknown. Two weeks ago, the pair of them did 4 pee and poops in the house in a space of a few hours! GRRR

Edited by Summer's Edge
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In that case, I would say "back to training". I read somewhere that if a dog has an accident inside despite being trained you have to go back to the basics and do it as if they were never trained. Bummer! Good Luck!

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6.5 months is not too old to crate train :D

I crate trained Zoe at 5 months. My parents crate trained Belle the family dog at 16 years as they took her to the USA and wanted her to be comfortable in a crate on the plane. :thumbsup:

My other I have crate trained as soon as I got them home.

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