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Barking Dog - While They Are Home!


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I've dealt with the neighbours not home barking, I've dealt with the never ever shut up, night and day barking whether the neighbours are home or not.

Now I have the dog that doesn't bark while the neighbours are not home but won't shut the hell up when they get home. Where it stands and barks is directly pointed from the front of their house across the road and straight into my bedroom, where I study in the afternoons. Our house is higher than theirs.

Oh something that might be important. They have two dogs, I honestly don't know breeds, the one that barks looks like a white shaggy type westie x something a little larger, and the other one looks like a medium size bull breed. I think the only time I've ever heard it bark is when we've walked past, it barks maybe once or twice, and of course I'd completely expect it to, the other one goes off it's tree.

This goes on from around 4-5pm and doesn't end until, well who knows, sometime after about 8pm most nights. I have no idea if it's close to 8pm or closer to 10pm because by that time I've got the shits so much I have to give up anything else I'm trying to concentrate on and watch videos.

Now I love dogs, I'm that person that makes 'I want to pat eyes' at every single dog I go past, obviously I don't unless I've asked the person BUT one thing I can't stand, to the point that it gives me a migraine, is a dog incessantly barking.

Seriously I have the start of a migraine coming, all of the windows are closed, I can't have them open, yay to summer not, and it's 6:30pm and right now I can't hear it barking, it could have been fed, it's been barking from 4ishpm.

The never ever shut up dog problem was solved with first talking to them at 1am mind you when I couldn't stand it any longer, and when they did nothing me printing out quite a few information booklets and flyers that I was pointed to in here. It was great, sure yes it barks every now and then but honestly I thought they might have gotten rid of it, which was not what I wanted at all.

I'm really not sure how to approach this one, I haven't spoken to them yet, whenever I think I'll go I get really bad vibes, so don't end up going.

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What about writing a letter with some hints and tips for them? If they don't make a change I would keep a diary on when the noise occurs and for how long and take it to the council as a noise complaint. No one should have to live with a constant annoying noise like that. Good luck :(

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Call the council or depending on your state the police assistance line & make a noise complaint.

We had to do that when our new neihhbours dogs wouldn't stop barking.

We had the complaints on record. PAL is anonymous & the cops did pop around & check on the dogs

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