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Zorro Crazy

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  1. Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job. I would like to say mine was that well trained that young but I was too busy getting over his cuteness (still gets him out of trouble ) I hope you have many more great experiences. BTW what sort of dog?
  2. Hi Korrupt, How is your puppy doing? Have you been to the vet yet?
  3. I have just read this through. I am so sorry that you both have to go through this. I am glad he is feeling better. Sending healing vibes from Zorro and me!!!
  4. Hi Kim, I go to Vetcall in Ashmore. They are great. I have had to take Zorro (border collie) in on a saturday afternoon after finding a tick. They didn't charge me and were wonderfull about my paranoia (sp). Hope this helps. What sort of puppy are you getting??? Tara
  5. Hi Forever Mango, Congratulations on your new puppy. My puppy Zorro did this when we first got him home for about 3 days. It is a very stressful time for them. I have read elsewhere on this forum that you don't need to wet the food. I am no expert and someone may say I am wrong. I hope he feels better soon.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss and that of Bodie's family. I am sure he is up there looking down at you smiling for all the wonderful memories you have given him. Dam it now I am crying. Bodie if you see a Great Dane called Kam go to her she will keep you company. RIP Bodie
  7. Hi, If you don't mind me asking what is a CCD title. Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am new to all this. Tara
  8. Montysmum, That is beautifull. I have been watching this for a long time and I am always fearfull what it will say next time I click on. I am so sorry for Page and her family having to deal with such pain and grief and for someone so young. I have some idea what they are going through as my niece is for ever going to Perth hospital as they are trying to find what is wrong. I hope Page finds peace soon and can fly like a butterfly up into the sky. All my strength I lend to her and her family in this difficult time. May she be free of pain and play with all the wonderfull dogs when the time is right.
  9. She sounds like she was a joy. I'm sure you touched her heart as she touched yours. RIP
  10. She is absolutely gorgeous. I'm sure your loving every minute with her. Congratulations
  11. Zorro Crazy

    Bones Etc

    Thank you RedStafford I'll go and buy him some tomorrow. Tara
  12. Zorro Crazy

    Bones Etc

    Hi, I am new to dol I have another question about bones. I have a 7 month old border collie and have tried him on chicken necks the last couple of days but he throws up the following day. He has never had them before. My question is will he ever get used to them or did I start him on them too late??? Is there another sort of bone that would be better and maybe not upset his stomach? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Tara
  13. She is sooo cute!!! Really makes me want to get another one. Two is better than one they say.
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