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Posts posted by Kajirin

  1. I can't help but suspect that if this topic was all about the wildlife cats are catching in their own backyard the tone would be very different. As in cats should always be inside or in a cat run. Why is it that the dogs are just being dogs, but the cats (in their own property) are slaughtering wildlife? And yes I am aware that many cats are roaming outside of their own backyards and I am not condoning this.

    My current dog has only dooshed some cockroaches to death, but that's about it.

    Oops, I didn't include 'dooshed' insects. :laugh: Ok, the moth, cockroach and fly deaths brings Bruno's tally up a bit. :o

    Oh Bruno :rofl:

  2. I can't help but suspect that if this topic was all about the wildlife cats are catching in their own backyard the tone would be very different. As in cats should always be inside or in a cat run. Why is it that the dogs are just being dogs, but the cats (in their own property) are slaughtering wildlife? And yes I am aware that many cats are roaming outside of their own backyards and I am not condoning this.

    My current dog has only dooshed some cockroaches to death, but that's about it.

  3. My 3 huskies used to catch everything that came into their yard, including brown snakes :eek: One would go in front of the snake to lure it and the other two would dive in and then rip it apart. Was forever finding dead browns in their yard. They'd also catch birds, lizards...at one time I had to remove an echidna that was trying to get into their yard.

  4. Hmmm mine can get the night barks being silly after his dinner, usually a distinct difference in his bark...he gets told to shush it. Barking in response to the neighbour's dogs barking is tolerated, but if it for more than a minute he's told to shush. His warning bark for anything unusual is praised [like the time he scented/heard a prowler trying to break into the shed - he let fly that night with barks of gusto]. Sometimes he's allowed to just have fun and bark, but that's if he's been asked a mathematics problem to solve with the corresponding barks :laugh: [he usually gets them right, all by chance really]. Semi rural living, so no real close neighbours to annoy [well not all close together like in the burbs], but do take into consideration echoing in the night time stillness, so keep him quiet out of respect for others.

    But dogs in the surrounding area, I tune out if it's their normal silly barks. If they do their 'I mean business' barks it usually means a cause for investigation. Do get quite a few opportunistic thieves up around here breaking into sheds/houses taking equipment/implements and things. Up the road a few years back a guy in the area heard his neighbour's dog barking differently, so investigated to find 2 people had broken into the house. He blocked the driveway with his tractor and had called the police - they caught them :laugh:

  5. I've only been rushed by off leash dogs twice in the last 21 years.

    The first being in the suburbs as I was walking my two huskies on leash. We were crossing a bridge and two off leash GSD's rushed my boy [ignored my girl]. I stood in front of both my dogs to shield them, but the GSD's went in behind me. As they starting munging on my boy he lost his footing and fell over the edge of the bridge :( He was hanging by his leash on a check chain and I didn't let go of him [as it was an over 3 meter drop on to jagged rocks below]. So fighting the two dogs off, making sure they didn't go for my girl and holding onto the leash of my boy I was in a bit of a pickle [heh I was only 17 at the time]. The bloke who owned the other dogs came racing over and leashed his two and ran off. Didn't help me at all to pull up my boy [who by this time was being strangled and writhing at the end of the leash]. Don't know where I got my strength from, but managed to pull him up using one arm. Just fell in a heap afterwards hugging my boy, my girl just sat next to me licking me. Got us all home eventually, had the boy checked out by a vet after and he was fine, just bruised and sore around his neck.

    The second time wasn't as bad, just a cattle dog rushed out from a front yard when I was out walking my other Boxer [who's since passed on] and bit him around his back end. I was shielding his head. Spoke to a woman that was out the front and said what'd happened, she just shrugged her shoulders and went inside. Didn't get a sorry or anything, so rang the council. Heh owner got slapped with many fines that day as he'd been quite rude to the council guy. But also helped knowing where the dog had come from :)

    Leashes and proper gates make such a difference :D

  6. To be honest I just prefer to have my dog on lead, he's friendly and sociable...but his biggest flaw is he has absolutely no concept of personal space. Nor does he understand that another dog baring it's teeth and growling at him doesn't really want to play [as he found out when the neighbour's dog came wandering over here a few weeks back]. His play style is also a bit too rough for most dogs [unless they're other Boxers]. So he's always on lead. To me having a dog on lead is normal, I don't understand the concept of having a dog off leash whilst out walking where anything can happen [especially in suburban areas]. People will generally seek him out if they want to pat him, but I don't want him annoying other people or dogs.

    20 years ago knew a bloke who had well trained dogs. For years they were always by his side when he was out walking them around the suburbs. One day they saw a cat, it triggered prey drive and they gave chase. As they both crossed the road in chase [ignoring all verbal commands by their owner] they were hit by cars and both died instantly :( i dont' know why the cat in this instance triggered the response as I'm sure they would've seen many cats in their travels...but what ever the reason, it happened.

    IMO having a dog on leash keeps them safe, as you never know when something will happen.

  7. I can see the raw code but can't move past the first page - there don't seem to be any links.

    Site and links work fine for me, using firefox as a browser.

    I'm also using Firefox but I think AVG has blocked the "suspicious" content?

    Ah I don't touch AVG with a 40ft pole lol

  8. If it is personal recommendation you are looking for, I have a couple of cousins that housesit.


    They are a lovely older couple who love animals, and really enjoy looking after them. They get a lot of repeat business and can be hard to get at peak periods. They have mostly been house siting in the Brisbane area, but are branching out now that they are both retired.

    I went to have a look at this site and got a virus warning !!

    emgem, perhaps you need to contact your cousins to tell them their site has been compromised.

    Just an FYI, the site hasn't been compromised it's a line of raw code no enclosed in a tag triggering a false positive.

    I can see the raw code but can't move past the first page - there don't seem to be any links.

    Site and links work fine for me, using firefox as a browser.

  9. I don't think dogs even have to be registered in the UK although they do require a licence to use a TV in their own home :laugh:

    However I was at a community centre with a friend recently where they valued any antique for a small fee & I asked the most interesting or valuable one they had in for the day.

    It was a dog registration tag from the Adelaide Council from the 1800's, can't recall the exact date. So they were at it with dog laws even back then :eek:

    Indeed http://www.adelaidec...egistration.pdf

    The control of dogs in South Australia was administered by the Commissioner of Crown Lands under the Dog Act of 1860. By the provisions of this Act, the province was divided into a number of districts based on the District Councils Act of 1858, for the purpose of regulating the ownership of dogs and alleviating the nuisance caused by them. The Act compelled the owners of all dogs – with the exception of hunting dogs belonging to aboriginal inhabitants - to annually register them with the Registrar of Dogs appointed for each district either by the local council or, in the case of outback areas where there was no local authority, by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. The Dog Act was revised in 1867 to enable all corporate cities and towns to be declared districts for the purpose of the Act.
    The Dog Act was further amended in 1884 to enable Registrars to annually issue dog owners with metal discs 'on which shall be inscribed the date of the year and the registration number and district of the dog registered.' The disc was supposed to be attached to the dog's collar and any dog discovered not displaying a registration disc was 'liable to be seized and destroyed as if unregistered' (Dog Act, No. 329 of 1884).

    Remember in the early 80s they still used metal tags, much preferred them to the current plastic ones

  10. Took Scout in to vote with me just 10 minutes ago. Popped into vote on the way back from the vet [he got his stitches out and took his cone off]. He was getting lots of pats from the adults in the line and the kids nearby were happily patting him. No one said anything about not having him there. He even sat quietly as we waited for a booth to become vacant.

  11. Never had to shave my huskies fur in summer, just made sure I groomed them proper as they started to blow their coats [didn't matter 1 dog took 3 hours to complete from pre wash brush to after wash blow and dry :laugh:]. These guys were living in rather hot temps in summer [usually over 40dC] and never had a problem. They were usually sleeping off hot days out under the verandah on their backs.

  12. LOL, the latter is pretty much what I have been doing :laugh: She banged on about one of the food companies that had their flags stolen and used at a dog fight, but she had some crap from somewhere saying that they had approved the use of the flags, etc, etc. When i pointed out that the company had no idea she basically told me that they should have known beforehand and stopped it rather than distancing themselves after the fact. Not sure how they were supposed to know that someone was planning to secretly use their promotional material without their permission LOL

    They never listen though :( doesn't matter how many facts you give them. Been dealing with conspiracy theories of late and it's been doing my head in.

  13. Ok... Im still trying to figure out what dooshing is and how to pronounce it...

    But is THIS the action?


    Heh silly owner

    Boxer 'dooshing' which sounds like whooshing is like this, but instead of doing it on the ground he did it on the window once. Dooshing is a made up word which I use for his paw action, but in my stupor on Sunday used that word instead of something else...sorry for the confusion :o

  14. Yes will be keeping the cone of shame on for sure, not worth the angst of worrying if he'll do something silly. Even if it means holding a small bowl of water for him to drink from lmao. I'm sure he can do it himself, he's just being a pain in the butt at the moment. He's well smart enough to work out how to drink from the bucket :laugh:

    He's fast asleep at the moment, the cone of shame has really quietened him down...which is good. He was reverting back into Boxer mode, trying to run around and bounce off the walls

  15. Scout went back to the vet this evening, had a bandage change on one leg and the other leg is bandage free. But now he has to wear an e-collar [so his nickname is now bucket head]. Uhg trying to get him used to wearing it quickly, as he already went for the exposed stitches :( But caught him just in time [it was as I was getting his e-collar ready to wear] and doesn't look like he got any out but tore one a lil...he is a wally.

    But the still bandaged leg still has some weeping and there was more than one cut. He had three on that leg :( Back to the vet on Saturday morning to see how weepy leg is going.

    At the moment he's acting like a sad panda as he really doesn't like the e-collar. But rather him be a sad panda than have to go back into surgery again to fix up his wallyness. At least he's not reversing anymore trying to get the 'bucket' off :)

    the fun starts at feed time,having such a short nose the collar covers the bowl ,they look like a 4 legged victa vac

    Oh he's such a sook though wouldn't eat, so covered the stitches and took off the collar for tonight. He has it back on again and is back into reversing mode. Definitely looks like he's torn one stitch meh. But can't see how he can actually reach his bowl with this e-collar on. Might have to give him a bucket of water inside as well, as I doubt he can drink from his normal bowl.

    ETA Pic


  16. Scout went back to the vet this evening, had a bandage change on one leg and the other leg is bandage free. But now he has to wear an e-collar [so his nickname is now bucket head]. Uhg trying to get him used to wearing it quickly, as he already went for the exposed stitches :( But caught him just in time [it was as I was getting his e-collar ready to wear] and doesn't look like he got any out but tore one a lil...he is a wally.

    But the still bandaged leg still has some weeping and there was more than one cut. He had three on that leg :( Back to the vet on Saturday morning to see how weepy leg is going.

    At the moment he's acting like a sad panda as he really doesn't like the e-collar. But rather him be a sad panda than have to go back into surgery again to fix up his wallyness. At least he's not reversing anymore trying to get the 'bucket' off :)

  17. How is our resident doosher today? It was very funny last night. My sister tried to tell me about Koda and I said "Yes I know. Koda was at the vet with Scout but they are both fine!"

    He going really well, taking his meds and resting. He has tried to lope about when he was outside, but made him stop that. On Wednesday he has to pop back to the vet for a change of bandages. But he seems quite lively and back to normal, but has trouble using his front paws for things at the moment [like pulling his food bowl towards him and pushing it under him, making it slide out on the floor behind him - he resorted to tapping his paw on the bowl instead :laugh:].

    Saw Koda on the news last night, was happy to see him up and about. His handler was the one I spoke to at the vet [didn't realise at the time that the officer was Koda's handler].

  18. You poor thing! How terrifying for you! :eek: But I did learn the word dooshing! :D

    Here's for everything going well for Scout and Koda at the vet.

    Yeah I was feeling a bit of a numbskull because I didn't know what dooshing meant...now I do. He tried to run through it? Hope he's feeling better.

    Not run through it per se, rather push on it with both paws at once, but he had a bit too much force behind him this time round [and probably just hit the glass at the right angle and with the right force to make it explode outwards]. When he was younger [around 5 months old] he would run to me and jump with both paws into my stomach [felt like my intestines would fall out afterwards, so soon put a stop to that]. But he is quite strong of paw when he has his weight behind him and knows how to use them.

  19. I did read through the whole thread with a frown on my face wondering what dooshing was... :o

    I am a wally sorry, I should have taken into account not everyone knows Noisheisms...but brain wasn't really with it yesterday.

    But happy to say Scout is all back to normal today, ate all his breakfast with gusto :D He slept like a log all last night [i stayed up as long as I could to keep an eye on him, ended up falling asleep around 3am]. He's been outside on a tether to do his morning ablutions, as I don't want him racing around like a nerd. But he's walking nicely, no limping and taking his tablets like a gentleman lol.

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