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Posts posted by Kajirin

  1. My friend asked simple questions on his page and guess what???? Got blocked by MM. Just shows he doesn't wish to answer the true issues. All that was asked was why he imports from Indonesia whilst pushing Australian made products. How is that an issue for a politician who wants to be chosen to lead his public? Is profit worth more than his electorate?

    Perhaps it is :( But yes he should lead by example.

  2. Not for the first time, I wonder if Mark understands what irony is?


    Seriously? Does this man read and digest what he's typed before hitting "send/post"?

    Expose... hahaha! Could come back to bite him in the bum methinks...

    Pot - meet kettle...


    The thing is, one can't complain in regards to social media if things don't go as planned. It's the nature of the beast, people will always have differing opinions. I have always liked FB, yet at times I go arhg, bite my tongue and remain civil when people get too personal when making a point. Social media gives everyone a voice; this in itself can be good and bad, if social media is used by the wrong types of people. It's not like the good old days of newspapers being the main social media, when the editor only let certain letters into the paper and filtered out the inciting to riot ones.

    The part about 'the truth reigning supreme in the end' well, what is one truth to some will be different to what other's believe. You can't force people to think what you want them too - you can only offer an alternative line of thought and let them come to their own conclusions.

    But to try and get exposes done on social media and getting the net on a whole accountable - it will never happen. This is the kind of thing that could in essence backfire majorly if it was to be taken seriously. We thought the great firewall of Australia was wrong...things could be worse if Governments step in with half-arsed attempts at making the internet better [well perceived to be better].

    Getting back to the Moorook vs the RSPCA saga; personally, I didn't like the en-mass assault of the RSPCA FB page and other pages associated with them. Most of what I read was hostile, volatile diatribe from people who were merely in for the chop so to say. I don't always agree with everything the RSPCA do, I have never supported them monetarily [that even includes buying products endorsed by them]...but, I do not agree with lambasting them willy nilly either on social media. That achieves nothing in the long term. There are ways and means of getting one's point across without resorting to en-mass online harassment [which is what I perceived it to be]. It was in effect, bullying behaviour on a massive scale. People [by people I mean Moorookians] have to remember it's not the inspectorate's fault - they were merely carrying out orders from the upper echelon based on current animal welfare laws. It's the way things are - if they want change it will have to be by getting current legislation altered.

    I guess the other point is, what ever attempts are made in regards to social media it wouldn't make much difference as most social media is owned/run in other countries bound by their said laws. Maybe the FB techies could change it so that all .au IPs load up to facebook with it looking happy and nice with rainbows and filters hashing out anything deemed unaccountable. Where you have to provide a 100 point identification before getting an account [bye bye cinch marshall and fair go]. In reality this isn't what social media and the internet is all about.

    In regards to the local councils abusing the Moorook shelter to drop off animals from the surrounding areas. Well, as it is an already established shelter [the council utilising it's facilities has established this], they should all chip in and get Moorook rebuilt from the bottom up - bulldoze the existing and rebuild something more managable. Dog registrations were upped many a year back now, which all income from dog registrations and expiations received by Councils is dedicated to animal management and public safety, recreational opportunities for pets and their owners and educational materials and community events So taking that into consideration if Moorook is the chosen area for dog drop-offs then it is in the local councils best interest to actually do something and get a proper establishment built there, instead of a mishmash of donated materials making up the shelter. It's easy to legislate and order Moorook to comply with bylaws and developmental acts, but if they're contributing to the problem of overcrowding then they are in themselves part of the problem in the Riverland. This is what needs to be rectified, either they pay up and help rebuild or deem Moorook unviable and stop using it.

  3. Aye have been keeping out of it all myself, been reading a lot, but seldom comment [in regards to FB]. Do hope you girls will be ok and it's not taken into the RL too much more.- I would be quite worried IMO. To be honest my 'spidey senses' tingled a while back, so I kept my distance and had to bite my tongue to the point of hurting, even though I really just wanted to say what was on my mind :(

    But thank ye all for showing another side to it all, certainly opened my eyes.

    Stay safe

  4. I guess now as I have one of each type of animal, 1 dog, horse, goat, cat, budgie...I don't compare them as much any more as when I had 2 horses, 2 dogs and 2 cats. But when having more of the same type, I do tend to think 'well this one has these nice attributes, does this well' or 'I really don't like how this one does that, arhg why can't it be the same as my other'. Makes it easier for my brain I guess.

    I love them all the same, but just not constantly comparing them now.

  5. What a bunch of pr*cks. I would have told them to go and **** themselves.

    Report them for harrassment.

    I definitely will if it happens again. My dogs are highly socialised with children, but even so I would never allow them to approach a strange child. It frustrates me that people who try to do the right thing with their dogs are still victimised. Thanks for your input.

    It's ridiculous, it's like the lady that tells my colleagues off when they park on the street in front of her house (my work doesn't have off street parking). We keep telling her the council owns the street....does she get it? Nope.

    Very frustrating, and there's just no reason to act that way towards someone, whether you like dogs or not.

    We used to take our two to an offleash oval that sounds similar, two ovals about 200 metres away from each other. Lili is normnally 100% with her recall, but once ran into the middle of a game and went for the ball :eek:, our bad and of course we apologised profusely, but everyone just laughed it off.

    Why do people have to be so aggressive and intolerant these days?

    Hah. reminds me of when I used to park outside of my own house and the neighbours didn't like it because they had to be careful about backing out with their boat. I had nowhere else to park so continued to do so. One day they deliberately rammed by car three times and wrote it off and I had to get the police involved.

    I don't understand the intolerance either. Why can't we just be respectful of each other and communicate decently?

    I was on this very oval a year or so ago when a boy approached with his soccer ball wanting to play with my dog. I saw his parents in the distance who seemed ok, so I said yes. So my dog and the boy played soccer for about five minutes (the kid was laughing so hard and having the best time) when the father started screaming frantically at the boy to get away from 'that animal', came over and glared at me and dragged the kid away. The poor boy was almost in tears. People need to learn to relax!

    My Nan was similar in regards to people parking outside her house, so pestered the council for months until they put up no parking signs in front of her house. Heh irony is, she got fined for parking outside of her own house whilst taking in shopping :laugh: Her response was "But it's my own house" my reply "Well no parking means no parking and it includes you".

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