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Posts posted by jinx

  1. Hi Nell,

    I am glad to hear that Jasper is doing so well. Jasper seems to be having the same sort of response as my Boof to his chemo. Boof has only really been ill once after the treatment, he ended up at the emergency vet SASH as he had a very nasty stomach bug, the Vet there worked wonders and I picked him up the following morning taking him to my Vet for the day to keep an eye on things and to continue with his antibiotic drip. Boof is on fortnightly chemo now and has 3 more treatments to go. Boof's white cell count has been very low most weeks when he was on weekly chemo so they lowered the dose and only did weekly when it was high enough otherwise it was fortnightly. Boof had a beautiful coat when he started but is now looking like he stuck his paw in a power point with his coat thining and sticking up, he has lost most of the hair around his mouth and is unrecognisable as the Boof he was. We don't mind at all, we just want him to stay around for a while longer.

    I read about Raven the Border Collie with Lymphoma, Raven is on similar protocol to Boof except for a few of things, Raven is allowed raw meat, wasn't on Prednisilone or antibiotics. Boof is not allowed raw meat at all while on chemo, has been on antibiotics the whole time and will continue and was on Prednisilone for a couple of months until it was reduced right down.

    Nell is Jasper allowed raw meat? I asked my Vet last week and she said that the reason Boof can't have it is because of the risk of stomach infections which makes sense to me.

    Please let me know how Jasper progress's.




  2. I don't often post on DOL but saw this thread and as I have a dog of my own suffering with Lymphoma I was wondering how Nell's dog Jasper was. Jasper is the same age as my dog and it appears was diagnosed at about the same time. My dogs name is Boof and he is having chemo at the moment. If anyone knows how Jasper is going would you please let me know.




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